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There are 17 words containing A, B, E, 2M, 2N and T

EMBANKMENTembankment n. A long mound of earth, stone, or similar material, usually built for purposes such as to hold back or…
EMBANKMENT n. a raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used esp. to hold back water or to carry a roadway.
ENJAMBMENTenjambment n. A technique in poetry whereby a sentence is carried over to the next line without pause.
ENJAMBMENT n. (French) the continuation of a sentence from one line of a couplet to the next, also ENJAMBEMENT.
EMBANKMENTSembankments n. Plural of embankment.
EMBANKMENT n. a raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used esp. to hold back water or to carry a roadway.
ENJAMBEMENTenjambement n. Alternative spelling of enjambment.
ENJAMBEMENT n. (French) the continuation of a sentence from one line of a couplet to the next, also ENJAMBMENT.
ENJAMBMENTSenjambments n. Plural of enjambment.
ENJAMBMENT n. (French) the continuation of a sentence from one line of a couplet to the next, also ENJAMBEMENT.
EMBLAZONMENTemblazonment n. The act of emblazoning.
emblazonment n. The state of being emblazoned.
EMBLAZONMENT n. the act of emblazoning.
EMBRANCHMENTembranchment n. A branching forth or off, as of trees, an arm of a river, a spur of a mountain, etc.
EMBRANCHMENT n. branching out.
ENJAMBEMENTSenjambements n. Plural of enjambement.
ENJAMBEMENT n. (French) the continuation of a sentence from one line of a couplet to the next, also ENJAMBMENT.
EMBLAZONMENTSemblazonments n. Plural of emblazonment.
EMBLAZONMENT n. the act of emblazoning.
EMBRANCHMENTSembranchments n. Plural of embranchment.
EMBRANCHMENT n. branching out.
EMBRANGLEMENTembranglement n. Embroilment, entanglement; the state of being or getting embrangled.
EMBRANGLEMENT n. the act of embrangling.
INTERMEMBRANEintermembrane adj. Between membranes.
INTERMEMBRANE adj. between membranes.
MOUNTEBANKISMmountebankism n. The practices of a mountebank; mountebankery.
MOUNTEBANKISM n. the practice of a mountebank.
TRANSMEMBRANEtransmembrane adj. (Biology) traversing a cellular membrane.
transmembrane adj. Of or pertaining to a transmembrane protein or segment.
transmembrane n. (Cytology) a transmembrane protein, or the transmembrane portion of a protein.
EMBRANGLEMENTSembranglements n. Plural of embranglement.
EMBRANGLEMENT n. the act of embrangling.
INTERMEMBRANESSorry, definition not available.
MOUNTEBANKISMSmountebankisms n. Plural of mountebankism.
MOUNTEBANKISM n. the practice of a mountebank.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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