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There are 13 words containing A, B, 2E, 3R and Y

BEARBERRYbearberry n. Any of three dwarf shrubs of the genus Arctostaphylos, which principally grow in arctic and subarctic…
bearberry n. Arbutus menziesii.
BEARBERRY n. a trailing plant of the heath family, having leaves which are tonic and astringent, and glossy red berries of which bears are said to be fond.
BREADBERRYbreadberry n. A sort of aleberry made with water instead of ale, formerly given to invalids.
BREADBERRY n. bread steeped in hot milk.
CRAKEBERRYcrakeberry n. The crowberry (Empetrum spp.).
CRAKEBERRY n. another name for crowberry.
FARKLEBERRYfarkleberry n. (Uncountable) A species of Vaccinium (Vaccinium arboreum) native to the southeastern United States…
farkleberry n. (Countable) A berry from a shrub of this species.
FARKLEBERRY n. a shrub with hard, black berries.
HYPERIRRITABLEhyperirritable adj. Excessively prone to irritation.
HYPERIRRITABLE adj. extremely irritable.
INTRACEREBRALLYintracerebrally adv. Within the cerebrum.
INTRACEREBRAL adv. situated or occurring within or introduced or administered into the cerebrum.
IRRECOVERABLYirrecoverably adv. In an irrecoverable manner; beyond recovery.
IRRECOVERABLE adv. not capable of being recovered or rectified.
IRRETRIEVABLYirretrievably adv. In an irretrievable manner; irrecoverably.
IRRETRIEVABLE adv. not retrievable.
PARTRIDGEBERRYpartridgeberry n. Any of various plants, including.
partridgeberry n. The berry of such a plant.
partridge␣berry n. Alternative form of partridgeberry.
REVERBATORYreverbatory adj. Alternative form of reverberatory.
reverbatory n. Alternative form of reverberatory.
REVERBATORY n. a furnace in which the flames are made to pass over the substance being heated; a reverberatory furnace or kiln.
REVERBERANTLYreverberantly adv. In a reverberant manner.
REVERBERANT adv. tending to reverberate.
REVERBERATORYreverberatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing reverberation or deflection.
reverberatory n. A reverberatory furnace.
REVERBERATORY n. a kind of furnace.
SPARKLEBERRYsparkleberry n. The farkleberry.
SPARKLEBERRY n. a shrub or small tree bearing black berries, native to southern parts of North America.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 405 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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