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There are 20 words containing A, B, 2E, H, M, O and S

BATHOMETERSbathometers n. Plural of bathometer.
BATHOMETER n. an instrument for measuring depths, esp. one for taking soundings without a sounding line.
BATHOMETRIESBATHOMETRY n. measurement of the depth of water.
BEACHCOMBERSbeachcombers n. Plural of beachcomber.
BEACHCOMBER n. a white man living as a drifter or loafer especially on the islands of the South Pacific.
BIOGEOCHEMICALSbiogeochemicals n. Plural of biogeochemical.
BIOGEOCHEMICALS n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BLAMEWORTHINESSblameworthiness n. The characteristic of being blameworthy.
BLAMEWORTHINESS n. the state of being blameworthy.
BLASPHEMOUSNESSblasphemousness n. The state or quality of being blasphemous.
BLASPHEMOUSNESS n. the state of being blasphemous.
EMETOPHOBIASEMETOPHOBIA n. the fear of vomiting.
GERMAPHOBESgermaphobes n. Plural of germaphobe.
HEBDOMADARIEShebdomadaries n. Plural of hebdomadary.
HEBDOMADARY n. a member of a chapter or convent, who takes his or her weekly turn in performing the sacred offices of the Church.
HEBDOMADERSHEBDOMADER n. in Scottish universities, a senior member appointed weekly for the supervision of student discipline, also HEBDOMADAR.
HEMIMETABOLOUShemimetabolous adj. Exhibiting hemimetabolism.
HEMIMETABOLOUS adj. characterized by incomplete metamorphosis.
HYPERMETABOLISMhypermetabolism n. (Biochemistry) The physiological state of increased metabolic activity, typically occurring after significant…
HYPERMETABOLISM n. the physiological state of increased rate of metabolic activity.
MEGAHERBIVORESmegaherbivores n. Plural of megaherbivore.
MEGAHERBIVORE n. a large plant-eater.
METHAEMOGLOBINSmethæmoglobins n. Plural of methæmoglobin.
METHAEMOGLOBIN n. a brown compound of oxygen and haemoglobin formed in the blood by the action of certain drugs.
MOUTHBREATHERSmouthbreathers n. Plural of mouthbreather.
mouth-breathers n. Plural of mouth-breather an alternative spelling of mouth breather.
mouth␣breathers n. Plural of mouth breather.
RHABDOMERESrhabdomeres n. Plural of rhabdomere.
RHABDOMERE n. one of the several parts composing a rhabdom.
THERMOBALANCESthermobalances n. Plural of thermobalance.
THERMOBALANCE n. an analytical balance that measures weight changes when matter is heated.
THERMOSTABLEthermostable adj. Physically or chemically unaffected by high temperatures.
THERMOSTABLE adj. stable when heated.
UNSMOTHERABLEunsmotherable adj. (Figurative) unquenchable.
UNSMOTHERABLE adj. that cannot be smothered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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