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There are 15 words containing A, B, 2E, 2G and 2R

BEGGARLIERbeggarlier adj. Comparative form of beggarly: more beggarly.
BEGGARLY adj. like a beggar, very poor.
BIOGEOGRAPHERbiogeographer n. A person engaged in biogeography.
BIOGEOGRAPHER n. a practitioner of biogeography.
BIOGEOGRAPHERSbiogeographers n. Plural of biogeographer.
BIOGEOGRAPHER n. a practitioner of biogeography.
CARPETBAGGERcarpetbagger n. (Politics, history, chiefly US, offensive) A migrant from the Northern to the Southern States after…
carpetbagger n. (Derogatory, by extension) One who comes to a place or organisation with which they have no previous…
carpet␣bagger n. Alternative spelling of carpetbagger.
CARPETBAGGERIESCARPETBAGGERY n. the actions of a carpetbagger.
CARPETBAGGERScarpetbaggers n. Plural of carpetbagger.
carpet␣baggers n. Plural of carpet bagger.
CARPETBAGGER n. an opportunistic outsider, especially a political candidate who contests an election in an area while having little connection to it.
CARPETBAGGERYcarpetbaggery n. (Derogatory) The practice of a person coming to a place or organisation with which they have no previous…
CARPETBAGGERY n. the actions of a carpetbagger.
GINGERBREADgingerbread n. (Food) A type of cake whose main flavoring is ginger.
gingerbread n. (Figurative, obsolete) Something ersatz; something showy but insubstantial.
gingerbread n. (Architecture) A flamboyant Victorian-era architectural style.
GINGERBREADEDgingerbreaded adj. (Architecture) Ornamented in the gingerbread style.
GINGERBREADED adj. flavoured with gingerbread.
GINGERBREADSgingerbreads n. Plural of gingerbread.
GINGERBREAD n. a cake flavoured with treacle and usually ginger.
GINGERBREADYgingerbready adj. Resembling or characteristic of gingerbread.
GINGERBREADY adj. like gingerbread.
RATBAGGERIESratbaggeries n. Plural of ratbaggery.
RATBAGGERY n. nonsense, eccentricity.
VERBIGERATINGverbigerating v. Present participle of verbigerate.
VERBIGERATE v. to continually repeat a word or phrase, usually unconsciously.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 240 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 560 words
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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