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There are 20 words containing A, B, 3E, F and 2R

BREASTFEEDERbreastfeeder n. A nursing mother, one who breastfeeds (suckles a baby).
BREASTFEEDERSbreastfeeders n. Plural of breastfeeder.
DEFERRABLEdeferrable adj. That can be deferred.
deferrable n. Something that can be deferred.
DEFERRABLE adj. that can be deferred, also DEFERABLE.
DEFERRABLESdeferrables n. Plural of deferrable.
DEFERRABLE n. something that can deferred.
FARKLEBERRIESfarkleberries n. Plural of farkleberry.
FARKLEBERRY n. a shrub with hard, black berries.
FEATHERBRAINEDfeatherbrained adj. Alternative spelling of feather-brained.
feather-brained adj. Foolish, scatterbrained.
FEATHERBRAINED adj. foolish.
FOREBEARERforebearer n. (Rare) A forebear.
FOREBEARERSforebearers n. Plural of forebearer.
FREEBASERfreebaser n. One who freebases.
FREEBASER n. one who smokes freebase, cocaine refined with ether.
FREEBASERSfreebasers n. Plural of freebaser.
FREEBASER n. one who smokes freebase, cocaine refined with ether.
IRREFUTABLENESSirrefutableness n. Irrefutability; the state or quality of being irrefutable.
IRREFUTABLE n. that cannot be refuted.
NONDEFERRABLEnondeferrable adj. Not deferrable.
NONDEFERRABLE adj. not deferrable.
PREFERABILITIESpreferabilities n. Plural of preferability.
PREFERABILITY n. the state of being preferable.
PREFERABLEpreferable adj. Better than some other option; preferred.
PREFERABLE adj. to be preferred, also PREFERRABLE.
PREFERABLENESSpreferableness n. The quality or state of being preferable.
PREFERABLENESS n. the state of being preferable.
PREFERRABLEpreferrable adj. Alternative form of preferable.
PREFERRABLE adj. (obsolete) preferable.
REFERABLEreferable adj. Alternative form of referrable.
REFERABLE adj. capable of being referred, also REFERRABLE, REFERRIBLE.
REFERRABLEreferrable adj. Able to be referred.
REFERRABLE adj. capable of being referred, also REFERABLE, REFERRIBLE.
REFRANGIBLENESSrefrangibleness n. The quality of being refrangible.
REFRANGIBLE n. that may be refracted.
REINFORCEABLEreinforceable adj. Capable of being reinforced.
REINFORCEABLE adj. capable of being reinforced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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