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There are 15 words containing A, B, D, L, R, 2T and U

TRIBULATEDtribulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of tribulate.
TRIBULATE v. to cause to endure tribulation.
BATTLEGROUNDbattleground n. A location where a battle may be fought, or has been fought.
battleground n. (Figurative) Any place or situation of dispute or contention.
battleground n. (Figurative) Any subject of dispute or contention.
FLUTTERBOARDflutterboard n. (US) A buoyancy board made of foam, used to support the body when in water.
FLUTTERBOARD n. a kind of swimming aid, a kickboard.
TRABECULATEDtrabeculated adj. Marked by trabeculation; trabeculate.
TRABECULATED adj. having trabeculae, transversely barred, also TRABECULAR, TRABECULATE.
TUBERCULATEDtuberculated adj. Tuberculate.
TUBERCULATED adj. bearing tubercles, knobbly projections or excrescences, also TUBERCULATE.
BATTLEGROUNDSbattlegrounds n. Plural of battleground.
battle␣grounds n. Plural of battle ground.
BATTLEGROUND n. the site of a battle.
DISTRIBUTABLEdistributable adj. Capable of being distributed.
distributable n. (Construction) Any of the costs that are not directly associated with a specific account.
distributable n. (Computing) A software component that can be distributed.
EXTRUDABILITYextrudability n. The quality or degree of being extrudable.
EXTRUDABILITY n. the state of being extrudable.
FLUTTERBOARDSflutterboards n. Plural of flutterboard.
FLUTTERBOARD n. a kind of swimming aid, a kickboard.
DISTRIBUTIONALdistributional adj. Of or pertaining to distribution.
distributional adj. (Bridge) Having an uneven distribution.
DISTRIBUTIONAL adj. relating to distribution.
DISREPUTABILITYdisreputability n. The state of being disreputable.
DISREPUTABILITY n. the state of being disreputable.
EXTRUDABILITIESextrudabilities n. Plural of extrudability.
EXTRUDABILITY n. the state of being extrudable.
INDISTRIBUTABLEindistributable adj. Not distributable.
INDISTRIBUTABLE adj. not able to be distributed.
MALDISTRIBUTIONmaldistribution n. Bad or undesirable distribution of wealth, resources etc.
MALDISTRIBUTION n. unfair distribution.
ROUNDABOUTILITYROUNDABOUTILITY n. the state of being roundabout.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 395 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 7 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 50 words

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