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There are 12 words containing A, B, D, L, N, R and 2U

UNLABOUREDunlaboured adj. (British spelling) Not laboured.
UNLABOURED adj. not laboured, also UNLABORED.
UNENDURABLEunendurable adj. Not to be endured; intolerable.
UNENDURABLE adj. that cannot be endured.
UNENDURABLYunendurably adv. In an unendurable manner; intolerably.
UNENDURABLE adv. that cannot be endured.
INFUNDIBULARinfundibular adj. Having the shape of a funnel.
infundibular adj. (Medicine) having to do with an infundibulum.
INFUNDIBULAR adj. funnel-shaped, also INFUNDIBULATE.
ROUNDABOUTLYroundaboutly adv. In a roundabout manner; indirectly.
ROUNDABOUT adv. circuitous.
SUBMANDIBULARsubmandibular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Below the mandible.
submandibular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or relating to the submandibular gland.
SUBMANDIBULAR n. a submandibular part (as an artery or bone).
UNPERSUADABLEunpersuadable adj. Not persuadable; who cannot be persuaded or convinced.
unpersuadable adj. Of which one cannot be persuaded.
UNPERSUADABLE adj. not persuadable.
SUBMANDIBULARSSUBMANDIBULAR n. a submandibular part (as an artery or bone).
ROUNDABOUTILITYROUNDABOUTILITY n. the state of being roundabout.
SUPERABUNDANTLYsuperabundantly adv. To a superabundant extent.
SUPERABUNDANT adv. more than ample.
UNENDURABLENESSunendurableness n. The state or condition of being unendurable.
UNENDURABLENESS n. the state of being unendurable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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