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There are 12 words containing A, B, D, E, O, S, U and Y

BAWDYHOUSEbawdyhouse n. Alternative spelling of bawdy-house.
bawdy-house n. (Now chiefly historical, formal) A brothel; a house of prostitution.
bawdy␣house n. Alternative spelling of bawdy-house.
BAWDYHOUSESbawdyhouses n. Plural of bawdyhouse.
bawdy-houses n. Plural of bawdy-house.
bawdy␣houses n. Plural of bawdy house.
SUBDEACONRYsubdeaconry n. The office of subdeacon; subdeaconship.
SUBDEACONRY n. the office of subdeacon.
BOUNDARYLESSboundaryless adj. Without a boundary or boundaries.
SUBFEUDATORYsubfeudatory adj. Alternative form of subinfeudatory.
subfeudatory n. Alternative form of subinfeudatory.
SUBFEUDATORY adj. of or like a subfeu.
SUBORDINATELYsubordinately adv. In a subordinate manner.
SUBORDINATE adv. subservient.
AMBIDEXTROUSLYambidextrously adv. In an ambidextrous manner.
AMBIDEXTROUS adv. able to use either hand with equal dexterity, also AMBIDEXTEROUS.
POLYBUTADIENESpolybutadienes n. Plural of polybutadiene.
POLYBUTADIENE n. a synthetic rubber that has a high resistance to wear and is used esp. in the manufacture of tires.
SUBINFEUDATORYsubinfeudatory adj. Of or relating to subinfeudation.
subinfeudatory n. One who holds land by subinfeudation.
SUBINFEUDATORY adj. relating to subinfeudation, the sublease of a portion of a feudal estate by a vassal to a tenant who pays fealty to the vassal.
UNDISCOVERABLYundiscoverably adv. In an undiscoverable manner.
UNDISCOVERABLE adv. not discoverable.
BASIDIOMYCETOUSbasidiomycetous adj. Relating to the basidiomycetes.
BASIDIOMYCETOUS adj. of or like a basidiomycete.
INSUBORDINATELYinsubordinately adv. In an insubordinate manner.
INSUBORDINATE adv. disobedient to authority.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 289 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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