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There are 19 words containing A, B, C, 3R, S and T

ARBITRATRICESarbitratrices n. Plural of arbitratrix.
ARBITRATRIX n. (archaic) a female arbitrator.
ARBORICULTURESarboricultures n. Plural of arboriculture.
ARBORICULTURE n. the cultivation of trees and shrubs esp. for ornamental purposes.
ARBORICULTURISTarboriculturist n. A person who practices arboriculture; a tree surgeon.
ARBORICULTURIST n. one who practises arboriculture, the cultivation of trees and shrubs.
BARORECEPTORSbaroreceptors n. Plural of baroreceptor.
BARORECEPTOR n. a sensory nerve ending, esp. in the walls of large arteries, that is sensitive to changes in blood pressure.
CARBURETERScarbureters n. Plural of carbureter.
CARBURETER n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETOR, CARBURETTER, CARBURETTOR.
CARBURETORScarburetors n. Plural of carburetor.
CARBURETOR n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETER, CARBURETTER, CARBURETTOR.
CARBURETTERScarburetters n. Plural of carburetter.
CARBURETTER n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETER, CARBURETOR, CARBURETTOR.
CARBURETTORScarburettors n. Plural of carburettor.
CARBURETTOR n. an apparatus for charging a gas with carbon compounds, also CARBURETER, CARBURETOR, CARBURETTER.
CORROBORATEScorroborates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corroborate.
CORROBORATE v. to support with evidence or authority.
CORROBORATIONScorroborations n. Plural of corroboration.
CORROBORATION n. corroboration.
CORROBORATIVEScorroboratives n. Plural of corroborative.
CORROBORATIVE n. that which serves to corroborate.
CORROBORATORScorroborators n. Plural of corroborator.
CORROBORATOR n. one who corroborates.
PREFABRICATORSprefabricators n. Plural of prefabricator.
PREFABRICATOR n. one who prefabricates.
RUBRICATORSrubricators n. Plural of rubricator.
RUBRICATOR n. one who rubricates.
SUPERBUREAUCRATsuperbureaucrat n. A very powerful bureaucrat.
SUPERBUREAUCRAT n. a highly-placed bureaucrat.
TORCHBEARERStorchbearers n. Plural of torchbearer.
TORCHBEARER n. one that carries a torch.
TRANSCRIBERtranscriber n. A person who transcribes; a transcriptionist.
transcriber n. (Computing) A device or program that transcribes data.
TRANSCRIBER n. one who transcribes.
TRANSCRIBERStranscribers n. Plural of transcriber.
TRANSCRIBER n. one who transcribes.
TURBOCHARGERSturbochargers n. Plural of turbocharger.
TURBOCHARGER n. a centrifugal blower driven by exhaust gas turbines and used to supercharge an engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 369 words
  • Scrabble in French: 81 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 81 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 80 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 25 words

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