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There are 20 words containing A, B, C, O, P, 2S and T

ABSORPTANCESabsorptances n. Plural of absorptance.
ABSORPTANCE n. the ratio of the radiant flux absorbed by a body to that incident on it.
BACKSTOPSbackstops n. Plural of backstop.
backstops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backstop.
back-stops n. Plural of back-stop.
BIOPLASTICSbioplastics n. Plural of bioplastic.
BIOPLASTIC n. a plastic that is made from organic matter rather than oil.
BLACKSPOTSblackspots n. Plural of blackspot.
black␣spots n. Plural of black spot.
BLACKSPOT n. as in accident blackspot, a spot where many accidents occur.
BRONCHOSPASTICbronchospastic adj. Relating to, or causing, bronchospasm.
BRONCHOSPASTIC adj. relating to bronchospasm.
CLAUSTROPHOBESclaustrophobes n. Plural of claustrophobe.
CLAUSTROPHOBE n. one with a fear of confined spaces.
CLAUSTROPHOBIASclaustrophobias n. Plural of claustrophobia.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA n. fear of closed spaces.
COMPATIBLENESScompatibleness n. The state or quality of being compatible.
COMPATIBLENESS n. the state of being compatible.
CONSTABLESHIPconstableship n. The office or rank of a constable.
CONSTABLESHIP n. the office of constable.
CONSTABLESHIPSconstableships n. Plural of constableship.
CONSTABLESHIP n. the office of constable.
OPISTHOBRANCHSopisthobranchs n. Plural of opisthobranch.
OPISTHOBRANCH n. a type of mollusc having gills, little or no shell, two pairs of tentacles.
PROCESSABILITYprocessability n. The property of being processable.
PROCESSABILITY n. the state of being processable, also PROCESSIBILITY.
SPERMATOBLASTICspermatoblastic adj. Of or relating to a spermatoblast.
SPERMATOBLASTIC adj. of or like a spermatoblast, a sperm-producing cell.
SPONGIOBLASTICSPONGIOBLASTIC adj. of or like a spongioblast, any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
STREPTOBACILLUSstreptobacillus n. Any bacterium of the genus Streptobacillus.
Streptobacillus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Leptotrichiaceae – aerobic gram-negative bacteria.
STREPTOBACILLUS n. any of a genus of rod-shaped bacteria in which the individual cells are often joined in a chain.
STROBOSCOPICALstroboscopical adj. Synonym of stroboscopic.
STROBOSCOPICAL adj. of or like a stroboscope, an instrument for studying motion using flashes of light, also STROBOSCOPIC.
SUBAPOSTOLICsubapostolic adj. Pertaining to the period after the apostolic age (the time of Christ’s apostles) and the early Catholic…
SUBAPOSTOLIC adj. of the time just after that of the apostles.
SUBATMOSPHERICsubatmospheric adj. Less than atmospheric (pressure).
SUBATMOSPHERIC adj. less or lower than that of the atmosphere.
SUBCOMPACTSsubcompacts n. Plural of subcompact.
SUBCOMPACT n. a small car, such as a sports car.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 430 words
  • Scrabble in French: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 63 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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