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There are 19 words containing A, B, C, 2O, 2S and U

BIOACOUSTICSbioacoustics n. A cross-disciplinary science that combines biology and acoustics, investigating for instance the mechanisms…
BIOACOUSTICS n. a branch of science concerned with the production of sound by and its effects on living organisms.
OBFUSCATIONSobfuscations n. Plural of obfuscation.
OBFUSCATION n. the act of obfuscating.
OBSCURATIONSobscurations n. Plural of obscuration.
OBSCURATION n. the act of obscuring.
SUBAPOSTOLICsubapostolic adj. Pertaining to the period after the apostolic age (the time of Christ’s apostles) and the early Catholic…
SUBAPOSTOLIC adj. of the time just after that of the apostles.
STROBILACEOUSstrobilaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a strobile or cone.
strobilaceous adj. (Botany) Producing strobiles.
STROBILACEOUS adj. of or like a strobile; bearing strobiles.
SUBCORIACEOUSsubcoriaceous adj. Slightly leathery.
SUBCORIACEOUS adj. situated below the corium.
CLAUSTROPHOBESclaustrophobes n. Plural of claustrophobe.
CLAUSTROPHOBE n. one with a fear of confined spaces.
COLOURABLENESScolourableness n. The state or quality of being colourable.
COLOURABLE n. that can be coloured, also COLORABLE.
SIMAROUBACEOUSsimaroubaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Simaroubaceae of tropical and subtropical trees.
SIMAROUBACEOUS adj. belonging to the Simarubaceae, a family of tropical trees related to the Rutaceae, also SIMARUBACEOUS.
SUBALLOCATIONSsuballocations n. Plural of suballocation.
SUBALLOCATION n. a subdivision of an allocation.
SUBASSOCIATIONsubassociation n. A subset of a larger association.
SUBASSOCIATION n. a subordinate association.
SUBCONTRACTORSsubcontractors n. Plural of subcontractor.
SUBCONTRACTOR n. an individual or business firm contracting to perform part or all of another's contract.
BASIDIOMYCETOUSbasidiomycetous adj. Relating to the basidiomycetes.
BASIDIOMYCETOUS adj. of or like a basidiomycete.
BIOACOUSTICIANSbioacousticians n. Plural of bioacoustician.
BIOASTRONAUTICSbioastronautics n. The study of the biological, behavioural and medical aspects of astronautics.
BIOASTRONAUTICS n. the science dealing with the effects of travel in space on living organisms.
CLAUSTROPHOBIASclaustrophobias n. Plural of claustrophobia.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA n. fear of closed spaces.
DISCOMBOBULATESdiscombobulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discombobulate.
DISCOMBOBULATE v. to throw into a state of confusion, also DISCOMBOBERATE.
SUBASSOCIATIONSsubassociations n. Plural of subassociation.
SUBASSOCIATION n. a subordinate association.
SUBVOCALISATIONSUBVOCALISATION n. the act of inaudibly articulating speech with the speech organs, also SUBVOCALIZATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 385 words
  • Scrabble in French: 99 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 127 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 60 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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