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There are 16 words containing A, B, C, M, O, R, S and Y

BACKRONYMSbackronyms n. Plural of backronym.
BACKRONYM n. an acronym formed using the initial letters or syllables of an existing word, also BACRONYM.
BACRONYMSbacronyms n. Plural of bacronym.
BACRONYM n. an acronym formed using the initial letters or syllables of an existing word, also BACKRONYM.
BARODYNAMICSbarodynamics n. The science of the support and mechanics of bridges.
BARODYNAMICS n. the science of the support and mechanics of bridges.
BRACHYDOMESbrachydomes n. Plural of brachydome.
BRACHYDOME n. a dome parallel to the shorter lateral axis.
CAMPYLOBACTERScampylobacters n. Plural of campylobacter.
CAMPYLOBACTER n. a bacterium that is a common cause of gastroenteritis in humans, and also of abortion in cattle and sheep.
CARBAMOYLScarbamoyls n. Plural of carbamoyl.
CARBAMOYL n. a radical derived from carbamic acid, also CARBAMYL.
CHIMNEYBOARDSCHIMNEYBOARD n. a board blocking up a fireplace.
COMMENSURABLYcommensurably adv. In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
COMMENSURABLE adv. measurable by the same standard; proportionate.
CORYBANTISMcorybantism n. Corybantic behaviour.
CORYBANTISM n. the rites associated with corybants.
CORYBANTISMSCORYBANTISM n. the rites associated with corybants.
CYTOMEMBRANEScytomembranes n. Plural of cytomembrane.
CYTOMEMBRANE n. one of the cellular membranes including those of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus.
HYPERCATABOLISMhypercatabolism n. An increased rate of catabolism.
HYPERCATABOLISM n. an abnormally high rate of catabolism.
INCOMMENSURABLYincommensurably adv. In an incommensurable manner; immeasurably.
INCOMMENSURABLE adv. not commensurable, lacking a basis of comparison in respect to a quality normally subject to comparison.
MEROBLASTICALLYmeroblastically adv. In a meroblastic manner.
MEROBLASTIC adv. undergoing or involving cleavage in part of the egg surface only, due to a large amount of yolk elsewhere.
PARASYMBIOTICparasymbiotic adj. Exhibiting or relating to parasymbiosis.
PARASYMBIOTIC adj. relating to parasymbiosis.
RAMBUNCTIOUSLYrambunctiously adv. In a rambunctious manner.
RAMBUNCTIOUS adv. marked by uncontrollable exuberance, unruly, also RUMBUNCTIOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 434 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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