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There are 18 words containing A, B, C, K, L, O, S and T

BACKCLOTHSbackcloths n. Plural of backcloth.
back-cloths n. Plural of back-cloth.
BACKCLOTH n. the painted cloth or curtain at the back of the stage.
BACKLOTSbacklots n. Plural of backlot.
BACKLOT n. an outdoor area, often next to a TV studio, used for exterior scenes.
BLACKOUTSblackouts n. Plural of blackout.
black-outs n. Plural of black-out.
BLACKOUT n. a power failure.
BLACKSPOTblackspot n. Alternative form of black spot.
black␣spot n. (Phytopathology) A fungal disease among plants, particularly roses, that results in black spots on the leaves.
black␣spot n. (Transport) A section of roadway that has been designated as being particularly accident-prone.
BLACKSPOTSblackspots n. Plural of blackspot.
black␣spots n. Plural of black spot.
BLACKSPOT n. as in accident blackspot, a spot where many accidents occur.
BLACKTHORNSblackthorns n. Plural of blackthorn.
BLACKTHORN n. a dark-coloured thornbush bearing sloes.
BLACKTOPSblacktops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blacktop.
black-tops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of black-top.
black-tops n. Plural of black-top.
BOOTBLACKSbootblacks n. Plural of bootblack.
boot-blacks n. Plural of boot-black.
BOOTBLACK n. a person whose job is to clean and polish shoes.
BUCKETLOADSbucketloads n. Plural of bucketload.
COCKLEBOATScockleboats n. Plural of cockleboat.
COCKLEBOAT n. a small boat, esp. one used on rivers, also COCKBOAT.
CONSTABLEWICKconstablewick n. (Obsolete) The district to which a constable’s power is limited.
CONSTABLEWICK n. (historical) the district of a constable.
CONSTABLEWICKSconstablewicks n. Plural of constablewick.
CONSTABLEWICK n. (historical) the district of a constable.
HACKBOLTShackbolts n. Plural of hackbolt.
HACKBOLT n. a sea bird, the greater shearwater, also HAGBOLT, HAGDEN, HAGDON, HAGDOWN.
SHOCKABILITIESSHOCKABILITY n. the quality of being shockable.
SHOCKABILITYshockability n. The condition of being shockable; the capacity to be shocked.
SHOCKABILITY n. the quality of being shockable.
SLOTBACKslotback n. (American football) A particular position in American football, often a running back who lines up near…
slotback n. (Canadian football) A particular position in Canadian football, similar to a hybrid between wide receiver…
SLOTBACK n. a type of football player.
SLOTBACKSslotbacks n. Plural of slotback.
SLOTBACK n. a type of football player.
TCHOUKBALLSTCHOUKBALL n. a ball game involving a ball thrown against a highly sprung net.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 452 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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