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There are 10 words containing A, B, C, E, O, S, T and Z

CATABOLIZEScatabolizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of catabolize.
CATABOLIZE v. to subject to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLISE.
AZOTOBACTERSAZOTOBACTER n. a nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
CUSTOMIZABLEcustomizable adj. Able to be customized.
OSTRACIZABLEostracizable adj. (Rare) Capable of being ostracized.
OSTRACIZABLE adj. worthy of being ostracised, also OSTRACISABLE.
SUBCATEGORIZEsubcategorize v. (Transitive) To categorize more specifically by placing in a subcategory.
subcategorize v. (Grammar) To practice subcategorization.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
BACTERIZATIONSbacterizations n. Plural of bacterization.
BACTERIZATION n. treatment with bacteria, also BACTERISATION.
SUBCATEGORIZEDsubcategorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
SUBCATEGORIZESsubcategorizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
SUBCATEGORIZINGsubcategorizing v. Present participle of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
ZYGOBRANCHIATESZYGOBRANCHIATE n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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