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There are 17 words containing A, B, C, E, K, R and 2T

BACKSTREETbackstreet adj. Associated with neighborhoods on back streets, often in older neighborhoods, with poorer residents.
backstreet adj. (Figuratively) Done in poor and unsanitary conditions, secretly and illegally; back-alley.
backstreet n. Alternative spelling of back street.
HACKBUTTERhackbutter n. An arquebusier.
HACKBUTTER n. one who uses a hackbut, also HACKBUTEER, HAGBUTEER, HAGBUTTER.
TURTLEBACKturtleback n. Anything having the shape of a turtle’s back (that is, its shell).
turtleback n. (Nautical) A convex deck at the bow or stern of a vessel, designed to shed seawater quickly.
turtleback n. (Military, nautical) An armor layout with an armored deck which slopes downwards towards the sides of…
BACKSCATTERbackscatter n. (Physics) The deflection of particles and/or radiation through angles greater than 90 degrees to the…
backscatter n. The particles and/or radiation deflected in this manner.
backscatter n. (Military) A portion of the energy of electromagnetic radiation such as a laser or radio waves that…
BACKSTREETSbackstreets n. Plural of backstreet.
back␣streets n. Plural of back street.
BACKSTREET n. a street away from the main thoroughfares.
BACKSTRETCHbackstretch n. (Athletics, horse racing, car racing) Synonym of back straight (“straight part of a racetrack, running…
backstretch n. (Horse racing) An area next to a racetrack used to stable the racehorses and house employees.
backstretch n. (Figuratively) The middle part of an event.
CYBERATTACKcyberattack n. An attack or intrusion by means of a computer network such as the Internet, often for the purpose of spying.
cyberattack v. To launch a cyberattack.
cyber-attack n. Alternative form of cyberattack.
HACKBUTTERShackbutters n. Plural of hackbutter.
HACKBUTTER n. one who uses a hackbut, also HACKBUTEER, HAGBUTEER, HAGBUTTER.
TURTLEBACKSturtlebacks n. Plural of turtleback.
turtle-backs n. Plural of turtle-back.
TURTLEBACK n. a structure over a ship's bows or stern.
BACKSCATTERSbackscatters n. Plural of backscatter.
backscatters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backscatter.
BACKSCATTER v. to scatter in this way.
CYBERATTACKScyberattacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cyberattack.
cyber-attacks n. Plural of cyber-attack.
CYBERATTACK n. an attempt to damage or disrupt a computer system, or obtain information stored on a computer system, by means of hacking.
BACKSCATTEREDbackscattered v. Past participle of backscatter.
BACKSCATTER v. to scatter in this way.
BACKSTRETCHESbackstretches n. Plural of backstretch.
back-stretches n. Plural of back-stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
back␣stretches n. Plural of back stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
CYBERATTACKERcyberattacker n. (Internet) The perpetrator of a cyberattack.
BACKSCATTERINGbackscattering n. (Physics) The scattering of waves, particles, or signals back in the direction of their source.
backscattering v. Present participle of backscatter.
BACKSCATTERING n. the act of backscattering.
CYBERATTACKERScyberattackers n. Plural of cyberattacker.
BACKSCATTERINGSbackscatterings n. Plural of backscattering.
BACKSCATTERING n. the act of backscattering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 360 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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