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There are 14 words containing A, B, C, E, G, H, L and O

BENTHOPELAGICbenthopelagic adj. Both benthic and pelagic.
benthopelagic n. Any such organism.
BENTHOPELAGIC adj. living just above the seabed.
BIOARCHAEOLOGYbioarchaeology n. Zooarchaeology.
bioarchaeology n. (US) osteoarchaeology.
BIOARCHAEOLOGY n. the branch of archaeology that deals with the remains of living things.
BIOGEOCHEMICALbiogeochemical adj. Of or pertaining to biogeochemistry.
biogeochemical n. A geochemical of biological origin.
BIOGEOCHEMICAL adj. relating to biogeochemistry, the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BIOGEOCHEMICALSbiogeochemicals n. Plural of biogeochemical.
BIOGEOCHEMICALS n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BIOGEOGRAPHICALbiogeographical adj. Of or pertaining to biogeography.
BIOGEOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to biogeography, also BIOGEOGRAPHIC.
BRACHYLOGIESBRACHYLOGY n. brevity of diction, abbreviated or condensed expression.
BRANCHIOSTEGALbranchiostegal adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the operculum that covers the gill slits of fish.
branchiostegal n. A branchiostegal ray.
BRANCHIOSTEGAL adj. of or relating to the operculum covering the gill slits of fish.
COPYRIGHTABLEcopyrightable adj. (Copyright law) Able to be protected by copyright law.
copyrightable n. Anything for which one can obtain copyright.
COPYRIGHTABLE adj. that can be copyrighted.
ETHNOBIOLOGICALethnobiological adj. Relating to ethnobiology.
ethnobiological n. Such a material.
HAEMOGLOBINURIChaemoglobinuric adj. Alternative form of hemoglobinuric.
haemoglobinuric n. Alternative form of hemoglobinuric.
HAEMOGLOBINURIC adj. relating to the presence of haemoglobin in the urine, also HEMOGLOBINURIC.
HYPERCOAGULABLEhypercoagulable adj. (Of blood) Having an increased tendency to clot.
HYPERCOAGULABLE adj. excessively coagulable.
OVERBLEACHINGoverbleaching v. Present participle of overbleach.
OVERBLEACH v. to bleach to excess.
PHLEBOGRAPHICphlebographic adj. Relating to phlebography.
PHLEBOGRAPHIC adj. relating to phlebography, radiography of a vein.
UNCOPYRIGHTABLEuncopyrightable adj. (Copyright law) Ineligible for copyright.
uncopyrightable n. That for which no one can obtain copyright.
UNCOPYRIGHTABLE adj. not copyrightable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 396 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 20 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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