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There are 15 words containing A, 2B, E, I, 2L and O

BOILABLEboilable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being boiled.
BOILABLE adj. able to be boiled.
OBLIGABLEobligable adj. Acknowledging, or complying with, obligation; trustworthy.
OBLIGABLE adj. that can be obligated.
ABOLISHABLEabolishable adj. Capable of being abolished.
ABOLISHABLE adj. able to be abolished.
BIBLIOLATERbibliolater n. A worshipper of books, especially the Bible.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
BILLBOARDEDbillboarded adj. Lined with billboards.
billboarded adj. (Computer graphics) Displayed using the billboarding technique.
BILLBOARD v. to advertise by means of billboards.
MOBILISABLEmobilisable adj. Able to be readily mobilised.
MOBILISABLE adj. that can be mobilised, also MOBILIZABLE.
MOBILIZABLEmobilizable adj. Able to be readily mobilized.
MOBILIZABLE adj. that can be mobilized, also MOBILISABLE.
BIBLIOLATERSbibliolaters n. Plural of bibliolater.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
BIBLIOTHECALbibliothecal adj. Belonging or pertaining to a library.
BIBLIOTHECAL adj. of or like a bibliotheca, a collection of books; a list of books.
BIOAVAILABLEbioavailable adj. Able to be absorbed by a living organism.
bio-available adj. Alternative spelling of bioavailable.
BIOAVAILABLE adj. relating to bioavailability.
BIBLIOLATRIESbibliolatries n. Plural of bibliolatry.
BIBLIOLATRY n. worship of the Bible or other books.
BOUILLABAISSEbouillabaisse n. A type of fish soup or stew from Provence, France.
bouillabaisse n. (Figuratively) A mixture.
BOUILLABAISSE n. (French) a kind of fish soup.
METABOLISABLEmetabolisable adj. Alternative spelling of metabolizable.
METABOLISABLE adj. that can be metabolised, also METABOLIZABLE.
METABOLIZABLEmetabolizable adj. (Biochemistry) Able to be metabolized.
METABOLIZABLE adj. capable of being metabolized, also METABOLISABLE.
BOUILLABAISSESbouillabaisses n. Plural of bouillabaisse.
BOUILLABAISSE n. (French) a kind of fish soup.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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