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There are 13 words containing A, 2B, C, 2I, R and S

BIBLIOTHECARIESbibliothecaries n. Plural of bibliothecary.
BIBLIOTHECARY n. a librarian.
BLACKBIRDINGSBLACKBIRDING n. trafficking in slaves.
CIRCUMSCRIBABLEcircumscribable adj. Able to be circumscribed.
CIRCUMSCRIBABLE adj. able to be circumscribed.
FIBROBLASTICfibroblastic adj. Of, or relating to a fibroblast.
FIBROBLASTIC adj. of or like a fibroblast.
INDESCRIBABLEindescribable adj. Impossible (or very difficult) to describe.
indescribable adj. Exceeding all description.
INDESCRIBABLE adj. that cannot be described.
INDESCRIBABLESindescribables n. (Dated, slang, humorous) trousers.
INDESCRIBABLE n. something that cannot be described.
INDESCRIBABLYindescribably adv. In an indescribable manner.
INDESCRIBABLE adv. that cannot be described.
INSCRIBABLEinscribable adj. (Geometry) That can be inscribed; whose vertices all lie on a sphere.
INSCRIBABLE adj. that can be inscribed.
INSCRIBABLENESSINSCRIBABLENESS n. the state of being inscribable.
PROBABILISTICprobabilistic adj. (Mathematics, probability theory) Of, pertaining to, or derived using probability.
probabilistic adj. (Religion) Of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic doctrine of probabilism.
PROBABILISTIC adj. of or relating to probabilism.
RABBINICSRABBINICS n. the study of rabbinic literature of the post-Talmudic period.
RABBINISTICrabbinistic adj. Of or relating to Rabbinic Judaism.
RABBINISTIC adj. relating to rabbis.
SUBURBICARIANsuburbicarian adj. (Roman Catholicism) Describing any of the six dioceses surrounding Rome, which are always headed by…
SUBURBICARIAN adj. pertaining to suburbs, used esp. of the dioceses surrounding Rome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 200 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 151 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 410 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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