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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, 2E, I, L and R

BANDELIERbandelier n. Alternative form of bandoleer.
Bandelier prop.n. A surname from French.
BANDELIER n. (French) a shoulder belt for carrying ammunition, also BANDOLEER, BANDOLIER.
BEARDLIKEbeardlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a beard.
BEARDLIKE adj. like a beard.
BREADLIKEbreadlike adj. Resembling bread.
BREADLIKE adj. like bread.
BREADLINEbreadline n. A line of people waiting to receive food from a charity.
breadline n. (Figurative) Subsistence level.
bread␣line n. Alternative spelling of breadline.
CALIBEREDcalibered adj. (Firearms, in combination) Having the specified caliber.
CALIBERED adj. having a given caliber, also CALIBRED.
DERIVABLEderivable adj. Able to be derived, deducible.
DERIVABLE adj. that can be derived.
DESIRABLEdesirable adj. Worthy to be desired; pleasing; agreeable.
desirable n. A thing that people want; something that is desirable.
DESIRABLE adj. to be desired.
DIABLERIEdiablerie n. Witchcraft, sorcery.
DIABLERIE n. (French) black magic, sorcery, also DIABLERY.
DRIVEABLEdriveable adj. Alternative spelling of drivable.
DRIVEABLE adj. that can be driven, also DRIVABLE.
EBRILLADEEBRILLADE n. (French) a bridle check; a jerk of one rein, given to a horse when he refuses to turn.
LIBERATEDliberated adj. Freed, especially from traditional ideas in social and sexual matters.
liberated v. Simple past tense and past participle of liberate.
LIBERATE v. to set free.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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