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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, 2E, 2L, R and T

ALTERABILITIESalterabilities n. Plural of alterability.
ALTERABILITY n. the state of being alterable.
BELLETRISTICALbelletristical adj. Alternative form of belletristic.
BELLETRISTICAL adj. relating to belles-lettres, also BELLETRISTIC.
BLANKETFLOWERSblanketflowers n. Plural of blanketflower.
blanket␣flowers n. Plural of blanket flower.
BLANKETFLOWER n. another name for gaillardia.
BRAILLEWRITERSbraillewriters n. Plural of braillewriter.
BRAILLEWRITER n. a machine for writing braille.
CELEBREALITIEScelebrealities n. Plural of celebreality.
CELEBREALITY n. a television genre that is unscripted and involves either the day-to-day documentation of a celebrity's life or competitive challenges that a celebrity or celebrities must perform.
CYBERNETICALLYcybernetically adv. In a cybernetic manner.
CYBERNETICAL adv. relating to cybernetics, also CYBERNETIC.
DELIBERATIVELYdeliberatively adv. In a deliberative manner.
DELIBERATIVE adv. relating to deliberation.
DELIVERABILITYdeliverability n. The quality of being deliverable; allowing the possibility of being delivered.
DELIVERABILITY n. the state of being deliverable.
FILTERABLENESSFILTERABLENESS n. the state of being filterable, also FILTRABLENESS.
ILLIBERALITIESilliberalities n. Plural of illiberality.
ILLIBERALITY n. the state of being illiberal.
INTERAVAILABLEinteravailable adj. (Public transport) Such that tickets purchased for one route or service can be used on another.
LACERABILITIESLACERABILITY n. the quality of being lacerable.
LEARNABILITIESlearnabilities n. Plural of learnability.
LEARNABILITY n. the quality of being learnable.
MULTIBARRELLEDmultibarrelled adj. Having more than one barrel.
MULTIBARRELLED adj. of a gun, having many barrels, also MULTIBARRELED.
PRESBYTERIALLYpresbyterially adv. In a presbyterian manner.
PRESBYTERIAL adv. relating to a presbytery.
RELATABILITIESrelatabilities n. Plural of relatability.
REPLACEABILITYreplaceability n. The condition of being replaceable.
REPLACEABILITY n. the quality of being replaceable.
TETRASYLLABLEStetrasyllables n. Plural of tetrasyllable.
TETRASYLLABLE n. a word with four syllables.
TOLERABILITIEStolerabilities n. Plural of tolerability.
TOLERABILITY n. the state of being tolerable.
UNSPLINTERABLEunsplinterable adj. Resistant to being splintered.
UNSPLINTERABLE adj. not capable of being splintered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 165 words
  • Scrabble in French: 104 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 134 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 195 words

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