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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, I, L, 2N, R and S

BILDUNGSROMANbildungsroman n. A novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character…
Bildungsroman n. Alternative letter-case form of bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
BLUESNARFINGSBLUESNARFING n. the unauthorized access of information from a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection.
BRAINLESSNESSbrainlessness n. The state or condition of being brainless.
BRAINLESS n. without brains.
BRILLIANTINESbrilliantines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brilliantine.
BRILLIANTINE n. a perfumed hair oil for making the hair glossy; a glossy cotton and mohair fabric.
BRILLIANTNESSbrilliantness n. The state or quality of being brilliant.
BRILLIANTNESS n. the state of being brilliant.
CONSTRAINABLEconstrainable adj. Capable of being constrained.
CONSTRAINABLE adj. able to be constrained.
DRINKABLENESSdrinkableness n. The quality of being drinkable.
DRINKABLENESS n. the state of being drinkable.
FRANGIBLENESSfrangibleness n. The quality of being frangible.
FRANGIBLE n. readily broken; breakable.
INCONSTRUABLEinconstruable adj. Not construable.
INCONSTRUABLE adj. that cannot be construed.
INCONVERSABLEinconversable adj. (Obsolete) uncommunicative; reserved.
INCONVERSABLE adj. not capable of being conversed with.
INCURABLENESSincurableness n. The state or condition of being incurable.
INCURABLENESS n. the state of being incurable.
INERRABLENESSinerrableness n. Exemption from error; infallibility.
INERRABLENESS n. the state of being inerrable, incapable of erring.
INOBSERVANTLYinobservantly adv. In an inobservant manner.
INOBSERVANT adv. not observant.
LANDBOARDINGSLANDBOARDING n. the sport of being pulled along by a kite on a board.
NONLIBRARIANSnonlibrarians n. Plural of nonlibrarian.
NONLIBRARIAN n. one who is not a librarian.
NONPERISHABLEnonperishable adj. (Chiefly of food) Not perishable; not liable to spoil.
nonperishable n. That which does not perish, especially a foodstuff.
non-perishable adj. Alternative form of nonperishable.
NONSHRINKABLEnonshrinkable adj. Synonym of unshrinkable.
NONSHRINKABLE adj. not shrinkable.
PRINTABLENESSprintableness n. (Rare) The quality of being printable.
PRINTABLE n. that can be printed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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