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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, H, I, 2O, R and T

ARITHMOPHOBIAarithmophobia n. The irrational fear of numbers or arithmetic.
ARITHMOPHOBIA n. a fear of numbers.
ASTRAPOPHOBIAastrapophobia n. Astraphobia.
ASTRAPOPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTRAPHOBIA, ASTROPHOBIA.
AUTOBIOGRAPHYautobiography n. (Countable) A self-written biography; the story of one’s own life.
autobiography n. (Uncountable) Biographies of this kind regarded as a literary genre.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY n. the biography of a person narrated by himself or herself.
ERYTHROPHOBIAerythrophobia n. Abnormal and persistent fear of blushing.
erythrophobia n. Abnormal and persistent fear of the colour red.
ERYTHROPHOBIA n. an aversion to the color red; an extreme fear of blushing.
GERONTOPHOBIAgerontophobia n. An abnormal and persistent fear of aging or growing old.
gerontophobia n. An abnormal and persistent fear of elderly individuals or people.
gerontophobia n. An aversion or hatred towards elderly people.
HERBORISATIONherborisation n. Alternative form of herborization.
HERBORIZATIONherborization n. The act of herborizing.
herborization n. The figure of plants in minerals or fossils.
HONOURABILITYhonourability n. A state or condition or being honourable.
HONOURABILITY n. the quality of being honourable, also HONORABILITY.
OPISTHOBRANCHopisthobranch n. (Zoology) A gastropod with gills behind the heart, formerly thought to belong to a single group.
opisthobranch adj. (Of gills) Placed behind the heart.
opisthobranch adj. (Of a gastropod) Having gills placed behind the heart.
ORNITHOPHOBIAornithophobia n. Fear of birds.
ORNITHOPHOBIA n. fear of birds.
TERATOPHOBIASTERATOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of monsters.
THROMBOKINASEthrombokinase n. (Biochemistry) A proteolytic enzyme that converts prothrombin into thrombin during the clotting of blood.
THROMBOKINASE n. an enzyme active in the clotting of blood, aka thromboplastin.
THROMBOPHILIAthrombophilia n. (Pathology) The tendency to develop thrombosis (blood clots) due to an abnormality in the system of coagulation.
THROMBOPHILIA n. combined inflammation and thrombosis of a vein.
TROPHOBLASTICtrophoblastic adj. Of, or relating to a trophoblast.
TROPHOBLASTIC adj. of or like a trophoblast.
VASOINHIBITORvasoinhibitor n. Vasodilator.
VASOINHIBITOR n. any of a group of drugs that reduce or inhibit the action of the vasomotor nerves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 130 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 23 words

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