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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, 2E, K, R, S and T

BACKSCATTEREDbackscattered v. Past participle of backscatter.
BACKSCATTER v. to scatter in this way.
BACKSTRETCHESbackstretches n. Plural of backstretch.
back-stretches n. Plural of back-stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
back␣stretches n. Plural of back stretch (alternative form of backstretches).
BASKETBALLERSbasketballers n. Plural of basketballer.
BASKETWEAVERSbasketweavers n. Plural of basketweaver.
BASKETWEAVER n. one who weaves baskets.
BLATHERSKITESblatherskites n. Plural of blatherskite.
BLATHERSKITE n. (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense, also BLETHERANSKATE, BLETHERSKATE.
BLETHERSKATESbletherskates n. Plural of bletherskate.
BLETHERSKATE n. (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense, also BLATHERSKITE, BLETHERANSKATE.
BREASTSTROKERbreaststroker n. (Swimming) A person swimming using the breaststroke.
BREASTSTROKER n. one who swims using breaststroke.
BREASTSTROKESbreaststrokes n. Plural of breaststroke.
breaststrokes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breaststroke.
BREASTSTROKE n. a swimming-stroke performed breast-down, with circling movements of the arms and a froglike movement of the legs.
CABINETMAKERScabinetmakers n. Plural of cabinetmaker.
cabinet␣makers n. Plural of cabinet maker.
CABINETMAKER n. a skilled woodworker who makes fine furniture.
CYBERSTALKERScyberstalkers n. Plural of cyberstalker.
CYBERSTALKER n. one who uses electronic communications to harass someone persistently.
DISEMBARKMENTdisembarkment n. Disembarkation.
DISEMBARKMENT n. the act of disembarking.
HEARTBREAKERSheartbreakers n. Plural of heartbreaker.
heart␣breakers n. Plural of heart breaker.
HEARTBREAKER n. one that causes heartbreak.
LUMBERJACKETSlumberjackets n. Plural of lumberjacket.
lumber␣jackets n. Plural of lumber jacket.
LUMBERJACKET n. a man's jacket, usually in bold-patterned heavy material.
SKATEBOARDERSskateboarders n. Plural of skateboarder.
SKATEBOARDER n. one who skateboards.
STONEBREAKERSstonebreakers n. Plural of stonebreaker.
STONEBREAKER n. a person that breaks up stone; a machine used to break up stone.
STRIKEBREAKERstrikebreaker n. A non-unionized worker hired to replace a striking union worker.
STRIKEBREAKER n. a person hired to replace a striking worker.
TRAILBREAKERStrailbreakers n. Plural of trailbreaker.
TRAILBREAKER n. a trailblazer.
TROUBLEMAKERStroublemakers n. Plural of troublemaker.
trouble-makers n. Plural of trouble-maker.
trouble␣makers n. Plural of trouble maker.
UNDERBLANKETSunderblankets n. Plural of underblanket.
UNDERBLANKET n. a blanket for use under another blanket.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 108 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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