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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, C, E, 2O, R and S

ARACHNOPHOBESarachnophobes n. Plural of arachnophobe.
ARACHNOPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of spiders.
BACHELORHOODSbachelorhoods n. Plural of bachelorhood.
BACHELORHOOD n. the state of being a bachelor.
BARORECEPTORSbaroreceptors n. Plural of baroreceptor.
BARORECEPTOR n. a sensory nerve ending, esp. in the walls of large arteries, that is sensitive to changes in blood pressure.
BORAGINACEOUSboraginaceous adj. (Botany) Of, relating to, or resembling the Boraginaceae, a plant family which includes the borage…
BORAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the borage family.
BOROSILICATESborosilicates n. Plural of borosilicate.
BOROSILICATE n. a salt of boric and silicic acids, used in making heat- and chemical-resistant glass.
BROMELIACEOUSbromeliaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Bromeliaceae of flowering plants.
BROMELIACEOUS adj. belonging to the Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family.
CARBONIFEROUScarboniferous adj. Containing or producing carbon.
Carboniferous adj. (Geology) Of a geologic period within the Paleozoic era; comprises the lower, middle and upper Mississippian…
Carboniferous prop.n. (Geology) the Carboniferous period.
CEREBROTONIAScerebrotonias n. Plural of cerebrotonia.
CEREBROTONIA n. the temperament associated with ectomorphic body type characterized by introversion and hypersensitivity.
CLAUSTROPHOBEclaustrophobe n. One who suffers from claustrophobia.
CLAUSTROPHOBE n. one with a fear of confined spaces.
COBALTIFEROUScobaltiferous adj. Containing or yielding cobalt.
COBALTIFEROUS adj. bearing cobalt.
COCARBOXYLASEcocarboxylase n. A compound, related to vitamin B, that can be prepared from aneurine.
COCARBOXYLASE n. a coenzyme that is a pyrophosphate of thiamine and is important in metabolic reactions.
COLORABLENESScolorableness n. Alternative form of colourableness.
COLORABLENESS n. the state of being colourable, also COLOURABLENESS.
DECARBONATORSDECARBONATOR n. an apparatus or removing carbon dioxide.
ISOBAROMETRICisobarometric adj. Indicating equal barometric pressure.
ISOBAROMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by isobar.
NONOBSERVANCEnonobservance n. The failure to observe a custom, or to conform with a law.
NONOBSERVANCE n. a lack of observance.
PROBOSCIDEANSproboscideans n. Plural of proboscidean.
PROBOSCIDEAN n. any of an order of large mammals comprising the elephants and extinct related forms, also PROBOSCIDIAN.
SNOBBOCRACIESSNOBBOCRACY n. government by snobs.
STROBILACEOUSstrobilaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a strobile or cone.
strobilaceous adj. (Botany) Producing strobiles.
STROBILACEOUS adj. of or like a strobile; bearing strobiles.
SUBCORIACEOUSsubcoriaceous adj. Slightly leathery.
SUBCORIACEOUS adj. situated below the corium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 126 words
  • Scrabble in French: 67 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 318 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 75 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 78 words

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