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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, B, I, 2L, O, R and T

AMBULATORILYambulatorily adv. By or in terms of walking.
AMBULATORY adv. walking.
BERTILLONAGEbertillonage n. (Historical) An early form of biometric identification used on criminals by the French police, making…
bertillonage n. (By extension) A similar form of identification of used on racing greyhounds.
BERTILLONAGE n. (French) a system of criminal identification by detailed measurements.
BIBLIOLATERSbibliolaters n. Plural of bibliolater.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
BICOLLATERALbicollateral adj. (Biology, of a vascular bundle) Having phloem on each side of the xylem.
BICOLLATERAL adj. of a vascular bundle, having two phloem groups to the inside and outside, respectively, of the xylem.
BIPROPELLANTbipropellant n. A propellant composed of two components (typically a fuel and an oxidizer) that react together in the…
BIPROPELLANT n. a rocket propellant consisting of fuel and oxidizer stored separately until ignition.
BOILERPLATEDboilerplated v. Simple past tense and past participle of boilerplate.
BOILERPLATE v. to print as a boilerplate.
BOILERPLATESboilerplates n. Plural of boilerplate.
BOILERPLATE v. to print as a boilerplate.
COLORABILITYcolorability n. The state or condition of being colorable.
colorability n. (Chemistry) The ability of a colorless photochromic material to develop color.
COLORABILITY n. the quality of being colorable, also COLOURABILITY.
FIBRILLATIONfibrillation n. The rapid, irregular, and unsynchronized contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart.
FIBRILLATION n. uncoordinated contraction of muscle-fibres in the heart.
INTERLOBULARinterlobular adj. (Anatomy) Between lobules.
INTERLOBULAR adj. between lobes.
INTERPOLABLEinterpolable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being interpolated.
INTERPOLABLE adj. that can be interpolated.
ISOBILATERALisobilateral adj. (Botany) Having the flanks of the organ flattened surfaces.
ISOBILATERAL adj. having the same structure on both sides.
MULTILOBULARmultilobular adj. Having more than one lobule.
MULTILOBULAR adj. having many lobules, also MULTILOBULATE.
OBLIGATORILYobligatorily adv. In an obligatory manner.
OBLIGATORY adv. binding in law or conscience.
RAMBOUILLETSRambouillets n. Plural of Rambouillet.
RAMBOUILLET n. a kind of sheep.
SUBLITTORALSsublittorals n. Plural of sublittoral.
SUBLITTORAL n. the area lying between the shoreline and the edge of the continental shelf.
THERMOLABILEthermolabile adj. (Biochemistry) Subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat.
THERMOLABILE adj. easily decomposed by heat.
TOLERABILITYtolerability n. The quality or state of being tolerable.
TOLERABILITY n. the state of being tolerable.
TRIBOLOGICALtribological adj. Of or pertaining to tribology.
TRIBOLOGICAL adj. relating to tribology.
TUBULIFLORALTUBULIFLORAL adj. having tubular-shaped flowers, also TUBULIFLOROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 58 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 46 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 328 words

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