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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, B, E, 2I, L, N and P

IMPRISONABLEimprisonable adj. Capable of being imprisoned.
imprisonable adj. (Law, of an offence) Carrying a sentence of imprisonment.
IMPRISONABLE adj. capable of being imprisoned.
INAPPLICABLEinapplicable adj. Not applicable; that does not apply or cannot be applied; unsuitable or irrelevant.
INAPPLICABLE adj. not applicable.
INCOMPATIBLEincompatible adj. Of two things: that cannot coexist; not congruous because of differences; unable to function together…
incompatible adj. (Chemistry) Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines.
incompatible n. (Medicine, chemistry, chiefly in the plural) An incompatible substance; one of a group of things that…
INDISPUTABLEindisputable adj. Not disputable; not open to question; obviously true.
INDISPUTABLE adj. not disputable.
INEXPANSIBLEinexpansible adj. Incapable of expansion or enlargement.
INEXPANSIBLE adj. not expansible.
INEXPLICABLEinexplicable adj. Impossible to explain; not easily accounted for.
INEXPLICABLE adj. incapable of being explained.
INEXPLICABLYinexplicably adv. In an inexplicable manner; for an unknown reason.
INEXPLICABLE adv. incapable of being explained.
INEXTIRPABLEinextirpable adj. Not capable of being extirpated or rooted out; ineradicable.
INEXTIRPABLE adj. that cannot be extirpated.
INHOSPITABLEinhospitable adj. (Of a person) Not inclined to hospitality; unfriendly.
inhospitable adj. (Of a place) Not offering shelter; barren or forbidding.
INHOSPITABLE adj. not showing hospitality, also UNHOSPITABLE.
PITIABLENESSpitiableness n. The quality of being pitiable.
PITIABLENESS n. the state of being pitiable.
PLEBEIANISEDplebeianised v. Simple past tense and past participle of plebeianise.
PLEBEIANISE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANIZE.
PLEBEIANISESplebeianises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plebeianise.
PLEBEIANISE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANIZE.
PLEBEIANISMSplebeianisms n. Plural of plebeianism.
PLEBEIANISM n. the state of being plebeian.
PLEBEIANIZEDplebeianized v. Simple past tense and past participle of plebeianize.
PLEBEIANIZE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANISE.
PLEBEIANIZESplebeianizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plebeianize.
PLEBEIANIZE v. to make plebeian, also PLEBEIANISE.
PREGNABILITYpregnability n. The quality of being pregnable.
PREGNABILITY n. the state of being pregnable.
PRELIBATIONSprelibations n. Plural of prelibation.
PRELIBATION n. a foretaste; an offering of first fruits.
SAPONIFIABLEsaponifiable adj. Suitable for use in soap production.
saponifiable adj. (Organic chemistry, of a lipid) That can be saponified.
SAPONIFIABLE adj. capable of being converted into soap.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 33 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 75 words

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