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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, I, L, M, O, R and T

ABNORMALITYabnormality n. The state or quality of being abnormal; variation; irregularity.
abnormality n. Something abnormal; an aberration; an abnormal occurrence or feature.
ABNORMALITY n. the state of being abnormal, also ABNORMITY.
AMOBARBITALamobarbital n. (Pharmacology) A barbiturate administered especially in the form of its sodium salt C11H17N2NaO3 as…
AMOBARBITAL n. a white crystalline powder used as a sedative.
AMORTISABLEamortisable adj. Alternative form of amortizable.
AMORTISABLE adj. that can be amortised, also AMORTIZABLE.
AMORTIZABLEamortizable adj. Capable of being amortized.
AMORTIZABLE adj. that can be amortized, also AMORTISABLE.
BALMORALITYbalmorality n. Alternative form of Balmorality.
Balmorality n. A superficial idealization of Scottish culture, especially the popularity engendered by Queen Victoria…
Balmorality n. An act inspired by Balmorality.
BIOMATERIALbiomaterial n. A nonviable, biocompatible material used in a medical device, intended to interact with biological systems…
BIOMATERIAL n. suitable synthetic material from which to produce artificial body parts that are to be in direct contact with living tissue.
BIOMETRICALbiometrical adj. Of or pertaining to biometrics.
biometrical adj. Of or pertaining to biometry.
BIOMETRICAL adj. relating to biometry, the statistical analysis of biological observations and phenomena, also BIOMETRIC.
BLASTOMERICblastomeric adj. Relating to blastomeres.
BLASTOMERIC adj. like a blastomere.
FORMABILITYformability n. The quality or degree of being formable.
FORMABILITY n. the quality of being formable.
MEROBLASTICmeroblastic adj. (Of a fertilized egg) that undergoes only partial cleavage.
MEROBLASTIC adj. undergoing or involving cleavage in part of the egg surface only, due to a large amount of yolk elsewhere.
MULTICARBONmulticarbon adj. Alternative spelling of multi-carbon.
multi-carbon adj. (Organic chemistry) Describing any compound (or ring within a compound) containing more than one carbon atom.
MULTICARBON adj. containing more than one kind of carbon.
PROBLEMATICproblematic adj. Posing a problem; having or suffering from problem(s)…
problematic adj. (Logic, dated) Only affirming the possibility that a predicate be actualised.
problematic n. (Chiefly in the plural) A problem or difficulty in a particular field of study.
RAMBOUILLETRambouillet prop.n. A commune and subprefecture in Yvelines department, Île-de-France, France.
Rambouillet n. A sheep of a breed that originated in France.
RAMBOUILLET n. a kind of sheep.
TAUROBOLIUMtaurobolium n. The ritual slaughter of a bull (in Ancient Rome).
TAUROBOLIUM n. the sacrifice of a bull, as in the ancient Phrygian cult of Cybele.
TRAYMOBILEStraymobiles n. Plural of traymobile.
TRAYMOBILE n. (Australian) a small table on casters used for conveying food, drink, etc.
UMBRATILOUSumbratilous adj. (Rare, obsolete) Shadowy; faint; secluded; indistinct; vague; latent; indeterminate.
UMBRATILOUS adj. shadowy, giving shade, also UMBRATILE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 72 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 128 words

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