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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, B, 3E, L, N and R

BANDOLEEREDbandoleered adj. Alternative form of bandoliered.
BANDOLEERED adj. wearing a bandoleer, also BANDOLIERED.
BEETLEBRAINbeetlebrain n. A stupid person.
BEETLEBRAIN n. a heavy stupid person, also BEETLEHEAD.
DENUMERABLEdenumerable adj. (Mathematics) Capable of being assigned a bijection to the natural numbers. Applied to sets which are…
DENUMERABLE adj. that can be enumerated.
ENFORCEABLEenforceable adj. Capable of being enforced.
ENFORCEABLE adj. that can be enforced.
ENLARGEABLEenlargeable adj. Capable of being enlarged.
ENLARGEABLE adj. that can be enlarged.
ENTREATABLEentreatable adj. That may be entreated.
ENTREATABLE adj. (obsolete) that can be entreated.
FERMENTABLEfermentable adj. Able to ferment or be fermented.
fermentable n. Any substance that can be fermented.
FERMENTABLE adj. that can be fermented.
INEXECRABLEinexecrable adj. (Obsolete) That cannot be execrated enough.
INEXECRABLE adj. (Shakespeare) perhaps a misprint for inexorable, though interpreted by some as an intensive form of execrable.
INSEVERABLEinseverable adj. Incapable of being severed; indivisible; inseparable.
INSEVERABLE adj. that cannot be severed.
PRESENTABLEpresentable adj. In good enough shape to be shown or offered to other people; tidy; attractive.
presentable adj. Acceptable; worth considering.
presentable adj. (Ecclesiastical) Capable of being presented to a church living.
PREVENTABLEpreventable adj. Capable of being prevented.
preventable n. Something that can be prevented.
PREVENTABLE adj. that can be prevented, also PREVENTIBLE.
REGENERABLEregenerable adj. Able to be regenerated.
REGENERABLE adj. able to be regenerated.
REMUNERABLEremunerable adj. Capable of being remunerated.
remunerable adj. Capable of reparations being made by money.
REMUNERABLE adj. that can be remunerated.
RESEMBLANCEresemblance n. The quality or state of resembling.
resemblance n. That which resembles, or is similar; a representation; a likeness.
resemblance n. A comparison; a simile.
UNAGREEABLEunagreeable adj. Disagreeable; unpleasant.
UNAGREEABLE adj. not agreeable.
UNVENERABLEunvenerable adj. Not venerable.
UNVENERABLE adj. not venerable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 73 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 36 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 41 words

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