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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, I, L, O, R and U

BACULOVIRUSbaculovirus n. Any large rod-shaped virus of the family Baculoviridae, including the granuloviruses and nucleopolyhedroviruses.
BACULOVIRUS n. a type of virus found only to attack insects.
BIMOLECULARbimolecular adj. (Chemistry, of a reaction) involving two molecules.
bimolecular adj. Consisting of two layers of molecules.
bimolecular adj. (Chemistry) Relating to bimolecules.
BINOCULARLYbinocularly adv. In a binocular manner.
BINOCULAR adv. with two eyes or eyepieces.
BROMOURACILbromouracil n. A brominated derivative of uracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.
COLUMBARIEScolumbaries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of columbary.
COLUMBARY n. a dovecote; a pigeon house.
COLUMBARIUMcolumbarium n. (Historical) A large, sometimes architecturally impressive building for housing a large colony of pigeons…
columbarium n. A pigeonhole in such a dovecote.
columbarium n. A building, a vault or a similar place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns…
CORBICULATEcorbiculate adj. Having corbiculae.
corbiculate n. Any bee that has a corbicula (pollen basket).
CORBICULATE adj. like a small basket.
LUBRICATIONlubrication n. The application of a substance (a lubricant), between moving surfaces in contact in order to reduce…
LUBRICATION n. the act of lubricating.
LUBRICATORSlubricators n. Plural of lubricator.
LUBRICATOR n. one who, or that which, lubricates.
LUCUBRATIONlucubration n. Intense and prolonged study or meditation; especially, late at night.
lucubration n. The product of such study; often, writings.
LUCUBRATION n. laborious or intensive study.
MULTICARBONmulticarbon adj. Alternative spelling of multi-carbon.
multi-carbon adj. (Organic chemistry) Describing any compound (or ring within a compound) containing more than one carbon atom.
MULTICARBON adj. containing more than one kind of carbon.
ORBICULARESorbiculares n. Plural of orbicularis.
ORBICULARIS n. a muscle surrounding an opening.
ORBICULARISorbicularis n. (Anatomy) A muscle surrounding an opening.
ORBICULARIS n. a muscle surrounding an opening.
ORBICULARLYorbicularly adv. In an orbicular fashion.
ORBICULAR adv. spherical.
ORBICULATEDorbiculated adj. Alternative form of orbiculate.
ORBICULATED adj. having the shape of a solid the vertical section of which is oval, and the horizontal section circular, also ORBICULATE.
SCROBICULARscrobicular adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to, or surrounding, scrobiculae.
SCROBICULAR adj. relating to or surrounded by scrobicules.
SUBCORTICALsubcortical adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to the subcortex, the portion of the brain located below the cerebral cortex.
SUBCORTICAL adj. of, relating to, involving, or being a part of the brain below the cerebral cortex.
SUBTROPICALsubtropical adj. Pertaining to the regions of the Earth further from the equator than the tropical regions.
subtropical adj. (Meteorology, of a cyclone) Having some characteristics of a tropical cyclone but also some characteristics…
subtropical n. A subtropical plant.
VIBRACULOIDvibraculoid adj. Characteristic of a vibraculum.
VIBRACULOID adj. of or like a vibraculum, one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished, also VIBRACULAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 30 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 166 words

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