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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, H, I, 2O and P

ABIOTROPHICabiotrophic adj. (Medicine) Relating to or involving abiotrophy; relating to or involving the functional loss of an organ…
ABIOTROPHIC adj. relating to abiotrophy, bodily or mental loss of function or degeneration for reasons unknown.
ACROPHOBIASacrophobias n. Plural of acrophobia.
ACROPHOBIA n. fear of heights.
ACROPHOBICSacrophobics n. Plural of acrophobic.
ACROPHOBIC n. one suffering from acrophobia.
AGORAPHOBICagoraphobic n. One who suffers from agoraphobia.
agoraphobic adj. Of, pertaining to or suffering from agoraphobia.
AGORAPHOBIC n. one with a morbid fear of open spaces.
ANGLOPHOBICAnglophobic adj. Having an aversion to England or the English.
ANGLOPHOBIC adj. suffering from anglophobia, a fear of England, also ANGLOPHOBIAC.
ASTROPHOBICASTROPHOBIC adj. suffering from astrophobia, a morbid fear of thunder and lightning, also ASTRAPHOBIC.
BRACHIOPODSbrachiopods n. Plural of brachiopod.
BRACHIOPOD n. a bivalve marine invertebrate.
BRANCHIOPODbranchiopod n. Any of the very many aquatic crustaceans of the class Branchiopoda, such as the fairy shrimps and water fleas.
BRANCHIOPOD n. any of a subclass of Crustacea with numerous flattened, leaf-shaped, lobed swimming-feet.
CANOPHOBIASCANOPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of dogs.
CYNOPHOBIAScynophobias n. Plural of cynophobia.
CYNOPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of dogs.
NECROPHOBIAnecrophobia n. An abnormal fear of death or corpses.
NECROPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of corpses.
NYCTOPHOBIAnyctophobia n. A fear of the night, nighttime, or darkness.
NYCTOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of the night or darkness.
OCHLOPHOBIAochlophobia n. A phobia, or fear, of mob-like crowds, as opposed to simply open spaces like agoraphobia or large crowds…
OCHLOPHOBIA n. the fear of crowds.
PHOTOBATHICPHOTOBATHIC adj. designating the zone of the sea where photosynthesis takes place.
SCOPOPHOBIAscopophobia n. An unreasonable fear of being seen, or stared at.
SCOPOPHOBIA n. fear of being looked at, also SCOPTOPHOBIA.
THEOPHOBIACTHEOPHOBIAC n. one with an extreme fear of God, also THEOPHOBIST.
TOCOPHOBIASTOCOPHOBIA n. an abnormal fear of giving birth or becoming pregnant.
TOXIPHOBIACTOXIPHOBIAC n. one who suffers from toxiphobia, fear of poison or being poisoned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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