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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, L, N, O and R

BARLEYCORNSbarleycorns n. Plural of barleycorn.
BARLEYCORN n. an old unit of length equal to one-third inch.
BARONETICALbaronetical adj. Of or relating to a baronet.
BARONETICAL adj. of or like a baronet.
BECLAMORINGbeclamoring v. Present participle of beclamor.
BECLAMOR v. to beset with noise, also BECLAMOUR.
CARBONYLATEcarbonylate v. (Chemistry, transitive) To introduce a carbonyl group, or the elements of carbon monoxide, into a molecule.
CARBONYLATE v. to introduce the carbonyl group into.
CELEBRATIONcelebration n. The formal performance of a solemn rite, such as Christian sacrament.
celebration n. The observance of a holiday or feast day, as by solemnities.
celebration n. The act, process of showing appreciation, gratitude and/or remembrance, notably as a social event.
COLLARBONEScollarbones n. Plural of collarbone.
collar-bones n. Plural of collar-bone.
collar␣bones n. Plural of collar bone.
CONFERRABLEconferrable adj. Capable of being conferred.
CONFERRABLE adj. that can be conferred.
CONFIRMABLEconfirmable adj. Capable of being checked, verifiable.
CONFIRMABLE adj. that can be confirmed.
CONFORMABLEconformable adj. Having the same shape or form; very similar.
conformable adj. Suitable; compliant.
CONFORMABLE adj. compliant.
CONQUERABLEconquerable adj. Capable of being conquered or subdued.
CONQUERABLE adj. that can be conquered.
CONSERVABLEconservable adj. Capable of being preserved from decay or injury.
CONSERVABLE adj. that can be conserved.
CONSORTABLEconsortable adj. (Obsolete) Suitable for association or companionship.
CONSORTABLE adj. able to be consorted with.
CONSTRUABLEconstruable adj. That may be construed.
CONSTRUABLE adj. that can be construed.
CONTRIVABLEcontrivable adj. Capable of being contrived, invented, or devised.
CONTRIVABLE adj. that can be contrived.
CONTUBERNALcontubernal adj. (Rare) Living in close proximity (as though sharing a tent); intimate, familiar.
contubernal adj. (Historical) Of a relationship between a male and female slave: sexual in nature and somewhat similar…
CONTUBERNAL adj. living or messing together; intimate, also CONTUBERNYAL.
CONVERSABLEconversable adj. (Of people) Able and inclined to engage in conversation.
conversable adj. (Of people, obsolete) Able to be conversed with.
conversable adj. (Of things, obsolete) Pertaining to, suited for or exhibiting conversation.
CONVERSABLYconversably adv. In a conversable manner.
CONVERSABLE adv. able to be conversed with.
ENFORCEABLEenforceable adj. Capable of being enforced.
ENFORCEABLE adj. that can be enforced.
OVERBALANCEoverbalance v. To be more important than; to outweigh.
overbalance v. (Transitive) To cause an imbalance in (something) by means of excess weight or numbers.
overbalance v. (Transitive) To throw (someone or something) off balance; to cause to capsize.
UNCROSSABLEuncrossable adj. Impossible to cross.
UNCROSSABLE adj. that cannot be crossed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 101 words
  • Scrabble in French: 46 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 107 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 38 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 76 words

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