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There are 19 words containing 2A, 2I, 3N and P

ANTITRANSPIRANTantitranspirant adj. (Botany, horticulture) Reducing transpiration in plants.
antitranspirant n. (Botany, horticulture) A substance applied to plant leaves to reduce transpiration.
ANTITRANSPIRANT n. any substance that decreases transpiration and, usually, photosynthesis.
FRANGIPANNIfrangipanni n. Archaic form of frangipani.
FRANGIPANNI n. a showy, fragrant shrub; a perfume; an almond-filled pastry, also FRANGIPANE, FRANGIPANI.
MANSPLAININGmansplaining n. (Informal, derogatory) The act of condescendingly explaining something, particularly by a man to a female…
mansplaining v. Present participle of mansplain.
MANSPLAINING n. the act of explaining (something) to a woman in a patronizing or condescending way.
MANSPLAININGSMANSPLAINING n. the act of explaining (something) to a woman in a patronizing or condescending way.
MARZIPANNINGmarzipanning v. Present participle of marzipan.
MARZIPAN v. to cover with marzipan.
NEOPAGANIZINGneopaganizing v. Present participle of neopaganize.
NEOPAGANIZE v. to make neopagan, also NEOPAGANISE.
NONDIAPAUSINGnondiapausing adj. Not diapausing.
NONDIAPAUSING adj. not having a diapause.
NONPARTICIPANTnonparticipant adj. Not participating.
nonparticipant n. One who is not a participant.
NONPARTICIPANT n. one who is not a participant.
NONPARTICIPANTSnonparticipants n. Plural of nonparticipant.
NONPARTICIPANT n. one who is not a participant.
NONPARTISANSHIPnonpartisanship n. The quality of not being partisan, of remaining politically independent.
NONPARTISANSHIP n. the state of being nonpartisan.
NONPARTIZANSHIPnonpartizanship n. Alternative spelling of nonpartisanship.
NONPARTIZANSHIP n. an absence of partizanship.
NONSAPONIFIABLEnonsaponifiable adj. Not saponifiable.
NONSAPONIFIABLE adj. not saponifiable, capable of being converted into soap.
PAINSTAKINGNESSpainstakingness n. The state or characteristic of being painstaking; the giving of careful attention to details.
PAINSTAKING n. taking pains.
PARKINSONIANparkinsonian adj. (Neurology, pathology) Relating to, or appearing to be caused by, Parkinson’s syndrome.
parkinsonian n. (Neurology, pathology) One who has Parkinson’s syndrome.
Parkinsonian adj. Alternative letter-case form of parkinsonian.
PARKINSONIANSparkinsonians n. Plural of parkinsonian.
Parkinsonians n. Plural of Parkinsonian.
PARKINSONIAN n. one suffering from Parkinson's disease.
PRONUNCIATIONALpronunciational adj. Of or relating to pronunciation.
PRONUNCIATIONAL adj. relating to pronunciation.
SANDPAINTINGsandpainting n. (Uncountable) The art of pouring coloured sands and pigments onto a surface to make a temporary or permanent picture.
sandpainting n. (Countable) A picture of this kind.
sand␣painting n. Alternative form of sandpainting.
SANDPAINTINGSsandpaintings n. Plural of sandpainting.
sand␣paintings n. Plural of sand painting.
SANDPAINTING n. a painting made with sand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 581 words
  • Scrabble in French: 77 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 39 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 147 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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