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There are 15 words containing 2A, 2I, M, P, R and U

AMPHIGASTRIUMAMPHIGASTRIUM n. a scalelike leaf on the ventral side of some liverworts.
HYPERURICAEMIAhyperuricaemia n. (Britain) Alternative spelling of hyperuricemia.
HYPERURICAEMIA n. an abnormal elevation of uric acid in the blood, also HYPERURICEMIA.
HYPERURICAEMIAShyperuricaemias n. Plural of hyperuricaemia.
HYPERURICAEMIA n. an abnormal elevation of uric acid in the blood, also HYPERURICEMIA.
MARSUPIALIANmarsupialian n. (Archaic, zoology) Any of the Marsupialia; a marsupial.
MARSUPIALIAN n. a marsupial mammal.
MARSUPIALIANSmarsupialians n. Plural of marsupialian.
MARSUPIALIAN n. a marsupial mammal.
PANARITIUMpanaritium n. (Medicine) The purulent inflammation of a digit.
PANARITIUM n. a whitlow.
PAPILLOMAVIRUSpapillomavirus n. (Virology) Any variety of virus which causes warts.
PAPILLOMAVIRUS n. any of a genus of double-stranded DNA viruses that cause papillomas and are sometimes associated with human cancers of the genital tract and esp. of the cervix.
PARTICULARISMparticularism n. An exclusive focus on a particular area, group, sect, etc.
particularism n. (Christianity, Judaism, theology) The principle that only certain people are chosen by God for salvation.
particularism n. (Politics) The principle that individual states, races of a federation, etc., may act independently…
PARTICULARISMSparticularisms n. Plural of particularism.
PARTICULARISM n. exclusive or special devotion to a particular interest.
SUBLAPSARIANISMsublapsarianism n. Infralapsarianism.
SUBLAPSARIANISM n. a doctrine of moderate Calvinists, that God permitted the fall of Adam without preordaining it.
SUPERPARASITISMsuperparasitism n. A form of parasitism in which the host (typically an insect larva such as a caterpillar) is attacked…
SUPERPARASITISM n. parasitization of a host by more than one parasitic individual usually of one kind.
SUPRACHIASMICSUPRACHIASMIC adj. above the chiasm (esp. in suprachiasmic nucleus, a small area in the hypothalamus thought to regulate the biological clock).
SUPRALIMINALsupraliminal adj. Being above the threshold of consciousness or of sensation. Used of stimuli.
SUPRALIMINAL adj. conscious.
SUPRALIMINALLYsupraliminally adv. In a supraliminal manner.
SUPRALIMINAL adv. conscious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 662 words
  • Scrabble in French: 68 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 290 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 201 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 544 words

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