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There are 19 words containing 2A, G, L, R, T, U and V

ARGUMENTATIVELYargumentatively adv. In an argumentative manner.
ARGUMENTATIVE adv. given to argument, also ARGUMENTIVE.
CIRCUMVALLATINGcircumvallating v. Present participle of circumvallate.
CIRCUMVALLATE v. to surround with a rampart or fortification.
CONGRATULATIVEcongratulative adj. That expresses congratulation.
CONGRATULATIVE adj. expressing congratulation, also CONGRATULATORY.
GASTROVASCULARgastrovascular adj. (Anatomy) That has both a digestive and a circulatory function.
GASTROVASCULAR adj. functioning in both digestion and circulation.
GRANULATIVEGRANULATIVE adj. related to granulation.
MULTIGRAVIDAmultigravida n. A pregnant woman who has had at least two previous pregnancies.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
MULTIGRAVIDAEmultigravidae n. Plural of multigravida.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
MULTIGRAVIDASmultigravidas n. Plural of multigravida.
MULTIGRAVIDA n. a woman pregnant for at least the third time.
OVEREVALUATINGoverevaluating v. Present participle of overevaluate.
REEVALUATINGreevaluating v. Present participle of reevaluate.
reëvaluating v. Present participle of reëvaluate.
re-evaluating v. Present participle of re-evaluate.
REVALUATINGrevaluating v. Present participle of revaluate.
REVALUATE v. to evaluate again.
TRANSVALUATINGTRANSVALUATE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUE.
TRANSVALUINGtransvaluing v. Present participle of transvalue.
TRANSVALUE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUATE.
VILLEGGIATURAvilleggiatura n. Country retirement; staying at a place in the country.
VILLEGGIATURA n. (Italian) a stay in the country.
VILLEGGIATURASVILLEGGIATURA n. (Italian) a stay in the country.
VULGARISATIONvulgarisation n. Non-Oxford standard spelling of vulgarization.
VULGARISATION n. the act of vulgarising, also VULGARIZATION.
VULGARISATIONSvulgarisations n. Plural of vulgarisation.
VULGARISATION n. the act of vulgarising, also VULGARIZATION.
VULGARIZATIONvulgarization n. The process of making something vulgar, especially by using the language of ordinary people.
vulgarization n. (Sciences, uncommon) The process of making something accessible and attractive to the general public;…
VULGARIZATION n. the act of vulgarizing, also VULGARISATION.
VULGARIZATIONSvulgarizations n. Plural of vulgarization.
VULGARIZATION n. the act of vulgarizing, also VULGARISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 168 words
  • Scrabble in French: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 106 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 151 words

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