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There are 19 words containing 2A, F, G, I, N and 2R

WARFARINGwarfaring v. Present participle of warfare.
warfaring n. Warfare; conflict.
WARFARING n. the business of waging war.
INFRAGRANTinfragrant adj. Not fragrant; unfragrant.
INFRAGRANT adj. not fragrant.
WARFARINGSwarfarings n. Plural of warfaring.
WARFARING n. the business of waging war.
FARRAGINOUSfarraginous adj. (Now rare) Random, miscellaneous, indiscriminate.
FARRAGINOUS adj. like a farrago, miscellaneous, jumbled.
FRAGRANCIESfragrancies n. Plural of fragrancy.
FRAGRANCY n. pleasantness of smell, also FRAGRANCE.
FRAGRANCINGfragrancing v. Present participle of fragrance.
FRAGRANCE v. to perfume with a fragrance.
GRANDIFLORAgrandiflora n. A rose of the Grandiflora class of roses created in the middle of the 20th century as backcrosses of…
GRANDIFLORA n. (Latin) a large-flowered plant.
FARNARKELINGFARNARKELING n. wasting time, messing about.
GRANDIFLORASgrandifloras n. Plural of grandiflora.
GRANDIFLORA n. (Latin) a large-flowered plant.
FARNARKELINGSFARNARKELING n. wasting time, messing about.
FRAGMENTARILYfragmentarily adv. In a fragmentary manner.
FRAGMENTARY adv. consisting of fragments.
FERROMAGNESIANferromagnesian adj. That contains both iron and magnesium.
FERROMAGNESIAN adj. containing iron and magnesium, as applied to the mafic minerals, e.g. olivine.
GRANDFATHERINGgrandfathering v. Present participle of grandfather.
grandfathering n. Exemption from new legislation or regulations.
GRANDFATHER v. to exempt (an activity, person, etc.) from a new piece of legislation, restriction or the like.
PREFABRICATINGprefabricating v. Present participle of prefabricate.
PREFABRICATE v. to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later.
ANTIFERROMAGNETantiferromagnet n. (Physics) An antiferromagnetic material.
ANTIFERROMAGNET n. a magnet exhibiting antiferromagnetism.
FRAGMENTARINESSfragmentariness n. The quality of being fragmentary.
FRAGMENTARINESS n. the state of being fragmentary.
REMANUFACTURINGremanufacturing v. Present participle of remanufacture.
remanufacturing n. The action of the verb to remanufacture.
REMANUFACTURE v. to manufacture into a new product.
TRANSFIGURATIONtransfiguration n. A major change in appearance or form; a metamorphosis.
transfiguration n. A change that exalts or glorifies.
transfiguration n. Superposition of one or more ideal-elements in comparison with other real ones, often through imagination…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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