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There are 17 words containing 2A, 2E, F, H, L and T

FATHEADEDLYfatheadedly adv. Stupidly.
FATHEADED adv. stupid.
HALFHEARTEDhalfhearted adj. Lacking full energy, effort, commitment, or resolve.
halfhearted adj. (Obsolete) Lacking in heart or spirit; ungenerous; unkind.
half-hearted adj. Alternative form of halfhearted.
LEATHERLEAFleatherleaf n. Alternative spelling of leather leaf.
leather␣leaf n. A shrub (Chamaedaphne calyculata) found in the cool temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
LEATHERLEAF n. an ericaceous bog shrub with coriaceous leaves.
LEATHERLEAFSleatherleafs n. Plural of leatherleaf.
leather␣leafs n. Plural of leather leaf.
LEATHERLEAF n. an ericaceous bog shrub with coriaceous leaves.
HALFHEARTEDLYhalfheartedly adv. Without enthusiasm or interest.
half-heartedly adv. Alternative form of halfheartedly.
HALFHEARTED adv. lacking heart, spirit, or interest.
KAFFEEKLATSCHkaffeeklatsch n. A coffee klatch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.
FAINTHEARTEDLYfaintheartedly adv. In a fainthearted manner.
faint-heartedly adv. Alternative form of faintheartedly.
FAINTHEARTED adv. lacking courage or resolution.
HEMOFLAGELLATEhemoflagellate n. Any flagellate protozoan that is parasitic in the blood.
HEMOFLAGELLATE n. a flagellate (as a trypanosome) that is a blood parasite, also HAEMOFLAGELLATE.
SULFAMETHAZINEsulfamethazine n. Sulfadimidine.
SULFAMETHAZINE n. an American name for sulfadimidine, a white odourless crystalline compound formerly used in medicine in the treatment of bacterial infections.
HAEMOFLAGELLATEhaemoflagellate n. Alternative form of hemoflagellate.
HAEMOFLAGELLATE n. a flagellate protozoan, such as a trypanosome, that is parasitic in the blood, also HEMOFLAGELLATE.
HALFHEARTEDNESShalfheartedness n. The characteristic of being halfhearted.
half-heartedness n. Alternative form of halfheartedness.
HALFHEARTED n. lacking heart, spirit, or interest.
HEMOFLAGELLATEShemoflagellates n. Plural of hemoflagellate.
HEMOFLAGELLATE n. a flagellate (as a trypanosome) that is a blood parasite, also HAEMOFLAGELLATE.
KAFFEEKLATSCHESkaffeeklatsches n. Plural of kaffeeklatsch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.
PHYTOFLAGELLATEphytoflagellate n. Any dinoflagellate of the class Phytomastigophorea.
PHYTOFLAGELLATE n. any of various organisms (as dinoflagellates) that have many characteristics in common with typical algae.
SULFAMETHAZINESSULFAMETHAZINE n. an American name for sulfadimidine, a white odourless crystalline compound formerly used in medicine in the treatment of bacterial infections.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 691 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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