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There are 17 words containing 2A, D, 2N, O, T and V

DECONTAMINATIVEDECONTAMINATIVE adj. related to decontamination.
INVALIDATIONinvalidation n. The act of invalidating, or the state of being invalidated.
INVALIDATION n. the act of invalidating.
INVALIDATIONSinvalidations n. Plural of invalidation.
INVALIDATION n. the act of invalidating.
NEOADJUVANTneoadjuvant adj. (Medicine) Describing an adjuvant preparation given before a course of treatment.
NONACTIVATEDnonactivated adj. Not activated.
NONACTIVATED adj. not activated.
NONADAPTIVEnonadaptive adj. Not adaptive; unable to adapt.
NONADAPTIVE adj. not adaptive.
NONRADIOACTIVEnonradioactive adj. Not radioactive; not generating radioactivity.
NONRADIOACTIVE adj. not radioactive.
OVERABUNDANToverabundant adj. Excessively abundant.
OVERABUNDANT adj. excessively abundant.
OVERABUNDANTLYoverabundantly adv. In an overabundant manner.
UNDERVALUATIONundervaluation n. The act of undervaluing, of assigning too low a value to something.
undervaluation n. An assigned value that is inappropriately low.
UNDERVALUATION n. the act of undervaluing.
UNDERVALUATIONSundervaluations n. Plural of undervaluation.
UNDERVALUATION n. the act of undervaluing.
VACATIONLANDvacationland n. An area that is often the site of vacations, or well suited for vacations.
Vacationland prop.n. The co-official nickname for the state of Maine in the United States.
Vacationland prop.n. A region of Ohio in the north-central part of the state, along the western half of the Lake Erie shoreline…
VACATIONLANDSvacationlands n. Plural of vacationland.
VACATIONLAND n. an area with recreational attractions and facilities for vacationers.
VANDALISATIONvandalisation n. Vandalism.
VANDALISATION n. the act of vandalising, also VANDALIZATION.
VANDALIZATIONvandalization n. Vandalism.
VANDALIZATION n. the act of vandalizing, also VANDALISATION.
VANDALIZATIONSvandalizations n. Plural of vandalization.
VANDALIZATION n. the act of vandalizing, also VANDALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 328 words
  • Scrabble in French: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 335 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 10 words

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