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There are 13 words containing 2A, D, I, N, 2O and Y

ALLOANTIBODYalloantibody n. An antibody involved in alloimmunity.
ALLOANTIBODY n. an antibody.
AUTOANTIBODYautoantibody n. An antibody formed in response to an agent (autoantigen) produced by the organism itself.
AUTOANTIBODY n. an antibody produced in reaction to an antigenic constituent of the body's own tissues.
FOUNDATIONARYFOUNDATIONARY adj. relating to a foundation.
ABDOMINOPLASTYabdominoplasty n. (Surgery, uncountable) The surgical removal of excess flesh from the abdomen, usually for cosmetic reasons.
abdominoplasty n. (Countable) An instance of such surgery; one operation (procedure).
ABDOMINOPLASTY n. a plastic surgery procedure for the stomach.
ANISODACTYLOUSanisodactylous adj. (Zoology) Characterized by unequal toes, three turned forward and one backward, as in most passerine birds.
ANISODACTYLOUS adj. of birds, having three toes turned forward, one backwards.
FOUNDATIONALLYfoundationally adv. In a foundational manner.
FOUNDATIONAL adv. of or like a foundation.
ACCOMMODATINGLYaccommodatingly adv. In an accommodating manner.
ACCOMMODATING adv. ACCOMMODATE, to make fit, suitable, or congruous.
CARDIOPULMONARYcardiopulmonary adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to both the heart and the lungs.
CARDIOPULMONARY adj. of or relating to the heart and lungs.
COEDUCATIONALLYcoeducationally adv. In a coeducational manner.
COEDUCATIONAL adv. relating to coeducation.
DECARBOXYLATIONdecarboxylation n. (Organic chemistry) The removal of one or more carboxyl groups from a molecule.
DECARBOXYLATION n. the removal or elimination of carboxyl from a molecule.
HYPOCHONDRIACALhypochondriacal adj. (Obsolete) Coming from the hypochondria; pertaining to or caused by depressive spirits.
hypochondriacal adj. Suffering from hypochondria.
HYPOCHONDRIACAL adj. affected or produced by hypochondria.
NONDOGMATICALLYSorry, definition not available.
RADIOPHONICALLYradiophonically adv. In a radiophonic manner.
RADIOPHONIC adv. of music, produced electronically; producing electronic music.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 948 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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