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There are 19 words containing 2A, D, H, M, 2O and T

CHONDROMATAchondromata n. Plural of chondroma.
CHONDROMA n. a benign cartilaginous growth.
HYDROSOMATAhydrosomata n. Plural of hydrosoma.
HYDROSOMA n. all the zooids of a hydroid colony collectively, also HYDROSOME.
AGATHODAIMONagathodaimon n. Alternative spelling of agathodaemon.
AGATHODAIMON n. (Greek) one's good genius; the good part of one's conscience.
MACHAIRODONTmachairodont n. Any sabre-toothed animal of the subfamily Machairodontinae.
MACHAIRODONT n. a sabre-toothed animal.
AGATHODAIMONSagathodaimons n. Plural of agathodaimon.
AGATHODAIMON n. (Greek) one's good genius; the good part of one's conscience.
ENCHONDROMATAenchondromata n. Plural of enchondroma.
ENCHONDROMA n. an abnormal cartilaginous growth.
MACHAIRODONTSmachairodonts n. Plural of machairodont.
MACHAIRODONT n. a sabre-toothed animal.
RHABDOMYOMATArhabdomyomata n. Plural of rhabdomyoma.
RHABDOMYOMA n. a tumour of striated muscle.
SADOMASOCHISTsadomasochist n. A person who enjoys both inflicting and receiving pain for sexual gratification.
sadomasochist adj. Sadomasochistic.
SADOMASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
TRICHOMONADALTRICHOMONADAL adj. of or like a trichomonad, a kind of flagellate protozoans, also TRICHOMONAL.
CARDIOMYOPATHYcardiomyopathy n. (Pathology) The deterioration of the myocardium.
CARDIOMYOPATHY n. any of several structural or functional diseases of heart muscle marked esp. by hypertrophy and obstructive damage to the heart.
ENDOTHELIOMATAendotheliomata n. Plural of endothelioma.
ENDOTHELIOMA n. a tumour of the endothelia.
MYOCARDIOPATHYmyocardiopathy n. (Pathology) Any disease of the myocardium.
MYOCARDIOPATHY n. any noninflammatory disease of the myocardium.
SADOMASOCHISTSsadomasochists n. Plural of sadomasochist.
SADOMASOCHIST n. one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
CHROMATOGRAPHEDchromatographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chromatograph.
CHROMATOGRAPH v. to do by chromatograph.
ERGATANDROMORPHergatandromorph n. (Biology) An andromorph ant that is also a worker.
ERGATANDROMORPH n. an ant combining characteristics of males and workers.
LYMPHOADENOMATALYMPHOADENOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands, aka Hodgkin's disease.
SADOMASOCHISTICsadomasochistic adj. Of or relating to sadomasochism or sadomasochists.
SADOMASOCHISTIC adj. relating to sadomasochism.
TRICHOMONACIDALtrichomonacidal adj. Destructive to trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDAL adj. relating to a trichomonacide, an agent used to destroy trichomonads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 774 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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