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There are 16 words containing 2A, 2D, E, 2L and O

AUTODIALLEDautodialled v. Simple past tense of autodial.
AUTODIAL v. to dial a telephone number automatically.
DODECASYLLABICdodecasyllabic adj. Of twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABIC adj. of a line of verse, having twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABLEdodecasyllable n. A word consisting of twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABLE n. a line of twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABLESdodecasyllables n. Plural of dodecasyllable.
DODECASYLLABLE n. a line of twelve syllables.
DOWNLOADABLEdownloadable adj. Capable of being downloaded.
downloadable n. Something that can be downloaded.
DOWNLOADABLE adj. capable of being downloaded.
GALLOPADEDgallopaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of gallopade.
GALLOPADE v. to dance a gallopade, also GALOPADE.
HEBDOMADALLYhebdomadally adv. In periods of seven days; weekly.
HEBDOMADAL adv. occurring, appearing, or done every seven days; weekly.
LABRADOODLElabradoodle n. Alternative letter-case form of Labradoodle.
Labradoodle n. A dog that is a cross between a Labrador and a poodle.
LABRADOODLE n. a breed of dog.
LABRADOODLESlabradoodles n. Plural of labradoodle.
Labradoodles n. Plural of Labradoodle.
LABRADOODLE n. a breed of dog.
LOGODAEDALICLOGODAEDALIC adj. skilled in the manipulative use of words.
LOGODAEDALIESlogodaedalies n. Plural of logodaedaly.
LOGODAEDALY n. verbal legerdemain, esp. in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words.
LOGODAEDALUSlogodaedalus n. A wordsmith; one who uses language with cleverness and skill.
LOGODAEDALUS n. one skilled in the manipulative use of words.
LOGODAEDALUSESlogodaedaluses n. Plural of logodaedalus.
LOGODAEDALUS n. one skilled in the manipulative use of words.
LOGODAEDALYlogodaedaly n. (Rare) Skill or cleverness in the coining of new words.
logodaedaly n. (Quite rare) A skillfully or cleverly coined new word.
LOGODAEDALY n. verbal legerdemain, esp. in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words.
RADIOLABELEDradiolabeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiolabel.
radiolabeled adj. Labeled with a radioactive tracer.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
RADIOLABELLEDradiolabelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiolabel.
radiolabelled adj. Tagged with a radiotracer.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 485 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 324 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 45 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 36 words

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