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There are 18 words containing 2A, C, N, O, 2R and V

AVERRUNCATIONaverruncation n. (Archaic, rare) (The act of) warding off, averting (something evil).
averruncation n. Eradication, uprooting.
AVERRUNCATION n. the act of averruncating.
AVERRUNCATIONSaverruncations n. Plural of averruncation.
AVERRUNCATION n. the act of averruncating.
AVERRUNCATORaverruncator n. An instrument for pruning trees, consisting of two blades, or a blade and a hook, fixed on the end of a long rod.
AVERRUNCATOR n. an instrument (on a pole) for pruning trees.
AVERRUNCATORSaverruncators n. Plural of averruncator.
AVERRUNCATOR n. an instrument (on a pole) for pruning trees.
CARNIVORACarnivora prop.n. A taxonomic order within the class Mammalia – all carnivores.
CARNIVORA n. an order of flesh-eating mammals, including dogs, cats, bears, weasels, etc.
CARNIVORANcarnivoran adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the order Carnivora.
carnivoran n. (Zoology) Any member of the order Carnivora.
CARNIVORANScarnivorans n. Plural of carnivoran.
CIRCUMNAVIGATORcircumnavigator n. A person who circumnavigates, that is, sails around the world.
CIRCUMNAVIGATOR n. one who circumnavigates.
CONSERVATORIAconservatoria n. Plural of conservatorium.
CONSERVATORIUM n. (Latin) a school of music, also CONSERVATOIRE.
CONSERVATORIALconservatorial adj. Relating to conservation.
CONSERVATORIAL adj. of or like a conservator.
CONTRAYERVAcontrayerva n. Dorstenia contrajerva, a South American plant whose aromatic root is sometimes used in medicine as a…
CONTRAYERVA n. a tropical American plant of the mulberry family, once believed to be an antidote to poisons.
CONTRAYERVAScontrayervas n. Plural of contrayerva.
CONTRAYERVA n. a tropical American plant of the mulberry family, once believed to be an antidote to poisons.
NEUROVASCULARneurovascular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to both nerves and blood vessels.
NEUROVASCULAR adj. relating to or affecting both nerves and blood vessels.
OVERABSTRACTIONSorry, definition not available.
PREVARICATIONprevarication n. (Now rare) Deviation from what is right or correct.
prevarication n. Evasion of the truth.
prevarication n. A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office.
PREVARICATIONSprevarications n. Plural of prevarication.
PREVARICATION n. the act of prevaricating.
PROCRASTINATIVEprocrastinative adj. Tending to procrastinate; supporting or suggesting procrastination.
PROCRASTINATIVE adj. tending to procrastinate, also PROCRASTINATORY.
RENOVASCULARrenovascular adj. Of or pertaining to the blood vessels of the kidney.
RENOVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving the blood vessels of the kidneys.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 540 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 308 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 617 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 198 words

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