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There are 16 words containing 2A, C, I, 2L, N and Z

LOCALIZATIONlocalization n. The act of localizing.
localization n. (Software engineering) The act, process, or result of making a product suitable for use in a particular…
localization n. (Translation studies, chiefly software, marketing) The act, process, or result of adapting translated…
VULCANIZABLEvulcanizable adj. Capable of being vulcanized.
VULCANIZABLE adj. that can be vulcanized, also VULCANISABLE.
ENZYMATICALLYenzymatically adv. In terms of, or by using, enzymes.
ENZYMATIC adv. of or like an enzyme, also ENZYMIC.
GALLICIZATIONgallicization n. Alternative letter-case form of Gallicization.
Gallicization n. Synonym of Frenchification, the act or process of making French of more French-like, especially in formal…
Gallicization n. The act of translation into the French language.
LOCALIZATIONSlocalizations n. Plural of localization.
LOCALIZATION n. the act of localizing, also LOCALISATION.
ALCOHOLIZATIONalcoholization n. (Obsolete) Reduction to powder.
alcoholization n. Saturation with alcohol.
alcoholization n. Subjection to the influence of alcoholic spirits.
CIVILIZATIONALcivilizational adj. Pertaining to or arising from civilization.
CIVILIZATIONAL adj. relating to civilisation, also CIVILISATIONAL.
DELOCALIZATIONdelocalization n. The process of delocalizing or the fact of being delocalized.
delocalization n. (Chemistry) the phenomenon in which bonding electrons of some molecules serve to bind several atoms…
DELOCALIZATION n. the act of delocalizing, also DELOCALISATION.
GALLICIZATIONSgallicizations n. Plural of gallicization.
Gallicizations n. Plural of Gallicization.
GALLICIZATION n. the process of gallicizing, also GALLICISATION.
LEXICALIZATIONlexicalization n. The act or process of lexicalizing.
lexicalization n. Something lexicalized.
LEXICALIZATION n. the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction, also LEXICALISATION.
ALCOHOLIZATIONSalcoholizations n. Plural of alcoholization.
ALCOHOLIZATION n. the process of alcoholizing, also ALCOHOLISATION.
COENZYMATICALLYcoenzymatically adv. In a coenzymatic manner.
COENZYMATIC adv. relating to a coenzyme.
COLLATERALIZINGcollateralizing v. Present participle of collateralize.
COLLATERALIZE v. to make (a loan) secure with collateral, also COLLATERALISE.
CRYSTALLIZATIONcrystallization n. The act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal…
crystallization n. The body formed by crystallizing.
crystallization n. The formation of a solid from a solution, melt, vapour or from a different solid phase.
DELOCALIZATIONSdelocalizations n. Plural of delocalization.
DELOCALIZATION n. the act of delocalizing, also DELOCALISATION.
LEXICALIZATIONSlexicalizations n. Plural of lexicalization.
LEXICALIZATION n. the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction, also LEXICALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 305 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 270 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 188 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 233 words

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