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There are 17 words containing 3A, O, P, S, T and U

APATOSAURapatosaur n. A large, herbivorous, gregarious sauropod dinosaur, of the genus Apatosaurus, from Jurassic North America;…
APATOSAUR n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAURUS.
APATOSAURSapatosaurs n. Plural of apatosaur.
APATOSAUR n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAURUS.
APATOSAURUSapatosaurus n. A large sauropod dinosaur of the genus Apatosaurus of the late Jurassic Period. Apatosaurs had a long…
Apatosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Diplodocidae.
APATOSAURUS n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAUR.
APATOSAURUSESapatosauruses n. Plural of apatosaurus.
APATOSAURUS n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAUR.
APPOGGIATURASappoggiaturas n. Plural of appoggiatura.
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
AUTOPHAGIASAUTOPHAGIA n. sustenance by self-absorption of the tissues of the body, also AUTOPHAGY.
AUTORADIOGRAPHSautoradiographs n. Plural of autoradiograph.
AUTORADIOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also RADIOAUTOGRAPH.
CARPOMETACARPUScarpometacarpus n. (Anatomy) The fusion of digits (carpals and metacarpals) that forms the wing in birds.
CARPOMETACARPUS n. in birds, a bone of the wing formed by fusion of some of the carpals with the metacarpals.
HAEMATOPHAGOUShaematophagous adj. (British spelling) Feeding on blood.
hæmatophagous adj. Obsolete spelling of hematophagous.
HAEMATOPHAGOUS adj. of certain animals, feeding on blood, also HEMATOPHAGOUS.
HAPAXANTHOUShapaxanthous adj. Being or relating to a hapaxanth.
HAPAXANTHOUS adj. monocarpous, also HAPAXANTHIC.
PARAGNATHOUSparagnathous adj. (Zoology) having both mandibles of equal length, with the tips meeting, as in certain birds.
PARAGNATHOUS adj. having equal mandibles.
PLANTAGINACEOUSplantaginaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Plantaginaceae of plantains and close relatives.
PLANTAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the plantain family.
PLATANACEOUSplatanaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Platanaceae of plane trees.
PLATANACEOUS adj. belonging to the family Platanaceae, plane trees etc.
RADIOAUTOGRAPHSradioautographs n. Plural of radioautograph.
RADIOAUTOGRAPH n. an autoradiographic record, also AUTORADIOGRAPH.
SUPRANATIONALsupranational adj. Beyond the borders or scope of any one nation.
supranational n. Such a person or organization.
SUPRANATIONAL adj. transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests.
SUPRANATIONALLYsupranationally adv. In a supranational way.
SUPRANATIONAL adv. transcending national boundaries, authority, or interests.
SUPRARATIONALsuprarational adj. (Of thought etc.) above, yet including the rational; encompassing a truth of scope greater than ordinary…
SUPRARATIONAL adj. transcending the rational.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 552 words
  • Scrabble in French: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 182 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 144 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 199 words

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