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There are 13 words containing 3A, E, G, O and 2T

AGALMATOLITEagalmatolite n. (Mineralogy) A soft, compact stone, of a grayish, greenish, or yellowish color, carved into images by…
AGALMATOLITE n. a soapstone or other soft mineral, esp. one in which Chinese figures are carved.
AGALMATOLITESagalmatolites n. Plural of agalmatolite.
AGALMATOLITE n. a soapstone or other soft mineral, esp. one in which Chinese figures are carved.
AGROSTEMMATAAGROSTEMMA n. a European caryophyllaceous plant, aka corncockle.
APOTHEGMATICALapothegmatical adj. Relating to, or in the manner of, an apothegm; sententious; pithy.
APOTHEGMATICAL adj. of or like an apophthegm, also APOTHEGMATIC.
EXTRAVAGATIONextravagation n. (Archaic) A wandering beyond limits; excess.
extravagation n. An agricultural term for the process of activating the enzymes in a cow’s stomach causing it to produce…
EXTRAVAGATION n. the act of extravagating, wandering.
EXTRAVAGATIONSextravagations n. Plural of extravagation.
EXTRAVAGATION n. the act of extravagating, wandering.
LACTOVEGETARIANlactovegetarian n. A person whose diet excludes meat and eggs, but includes dairy products.
lactovegetarian adj. Excluding meat and eggs, but including dairy products.
LACTOVEGETARIAN n. a vegetarian whose diet includes milk and other dairy products.
OVEREXTRAVAGANToverextravagant adj. Too extravagant.
OVEREXTRAVAGANT adj. excessively extravagant.
PALAEOMAGNETISTpalaeomagnetist n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetist.
PALAEOMAGNETIST n. a student of or expert in palaeomagnetism.
TETRAGRAMMATONTetragrammaton prop.n. The four Hebrew letters יהוה (in transliteration, YHWH or JHVH) used as the ineffable name of God in…
TETRAGRAMMATON n. a sacred word or acronym of four letters.
TETRAGRAMMATONSTETRAGRAMMATON n. a sacred word or acronym of four letters.
TETRASPORANGIATETRASPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in which tetraspores are formed.
THANATOGRAPHIESthanatographies n. Plural of thanatography.
THANATOGRAPHY n. the narrative of a death.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 719 words
  • Scrabble in French: 65 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 84 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 279 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 190 words

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