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There are 15 words containing 3A, D, E, G, L and R

GARLANDAGEgarlandage n. Garlands, or decorations that resemble garlands.
GARLANDAGE n. (Tennyson) a decoration of garlands.
GARLANDAGESGARLANDAGE n. (Tennyson) a decoration of garlands.
GRAVADLAXESGRAVADLAX n. (Swedish) a Scandinavian dish of salmon with spices and salad, also GRAVLAKS, GRAVLAX.
LANDGRAVATElandgravate n. The rank or territory of a landgrave.
LANDGRAVATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVIATE.
DIAGRAMMABLEdiagrammable adj. Capable of being diagrammed.
DIAGRAMMABLE adj. capable of being diagrammed.
LANDGRAVATESlandgravates n. Plural of landgravate.
LANDGRAVATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVIATE.
LANDGRAVIATElandgraviate n. The office or jurisdiction of a landgrave.
landgraviate n. The countship of a landgrave, a rare type of principality in the Holy Roman Empire.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
MEGALOCARDIAmegalocardia n. (Medicine) The condition of having an enlarged heart.
MEGALOCARDIA n. the condition of having an enlarged heart.
QUADRAPLEGIAQUADRAPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRIPLEGIA, TETRAPLEGIA.
GRANDPARENTALgrandparental adj. Of or relating to a grandparent.
GRANDPARENTAL adj. of or like a grandparent.
LANDGRAVIATESlandgraviates n. Plural of landgraviate.
LANDGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a landgrave, also LANDGRAVATE.
MEGALOCARDIASMEGALOCARDIA n. the condition of having an enlarged heart.
QUADRAGESIMALquadragesimal adj. That lasts forty days.
quadragesimal adj. Belonging to Lent; used in Lent; Lenten.
quadragesimal adj. (Mathematics) Of, related to, or based on the number forty.
QUADRAPLEGIASQUADRAPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also QUADRIPLEGIA, TETRAPLEGIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 716 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 697 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 169 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 164 words

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