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There are 16 words containing 3A, C, H, R, S and Y

ACHARYASacharyas n. Plural of acharya.
ACHARYA n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu teacher or learned man.
ANARCHISTICALLYanarchistically adv. In an anarchistic manner.
ANARCHISTIC adv. of or pertaining to anarchy.
BRACHYDIAGONALSbrachydiagonals n. Plural of brachydiagonal.
BRACHYDIAGONAL n. in crystallography, the shorter lateral axis.
HYPERCALCAEMIAShypercalcaemias n. Plural of hypercalcaemia.
HYPERCALCAEMIA n. an excess of calcium in the blood, also HYPERCALCEMIA.
HYPERSARCOMATAHYPERSARCOMA n. proud or fungous flesh.
LYMPHOSARCOMATAlymphosarcomata n. Plural of lymphosarcoma.
LYMPHOSARCOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
PACHYSANDRApachysandra n. (Botany) A genus, Pachysandra, of four or five species of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs, belonging to…
Pachysandra prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Buxaceae – four or five species of evergreen shrubs or subshrubs…
PACHYSANDRA n. (Greek) a Japanese tree with evergreen leaves.
PACHYSANDRASpachysandras n. Plural of pachysandra.
PACHYSANDRA n. (Greek) a Japanese tree with evergreen leaves.
PARAPSYCHICALparapsychical adj. Parapsychic.
PARAPSYCHICAL adj. related to parapsychism, also PARAPSYCHIC.
PARASYMPATHETICparasympathetic adj. (Neuroanatomy, neurology, relational) Of or relating to the part of the autonomic nervous system that…
parasympathetic n. (Neuroanatomy) A parasympathetic nerve.
parasympathetic n. (Neurology) Ellipsis of parasympathetic nervous system..
PHARISAICALLYpharisaically adv. (Chiefly Christianity) In a pharisaical manner.
PHARISAICAL adv. characterized by hypocritical self-righteousness; putting emphasis on strict observance of rituals unrelated to the spirit or meaning of the ceremony, also PHARISAIC.
PYRACANTHASpyracanthas n. Plural of pyracantha.
PYRACANTHA n. the evergreen thorn, a shrub native of Europe, also PYRACANTH.
TACHYCARDIAStachycardias n. Plural of tachycardia, which can refer to types of tachycardia, cases of tachycardia, or episodes of tachycardia.
TACHYCARDIA n. quick heart-rate.
TACHYPHRASIAtachyphrasia n. Tachyphemia.
TACHYPHRASIA n. abnormally rapid or voluble speech, also TACHYPHASIA.
TACHYPHRASIASTACHYPHRASIA n. abnormally rapid or voluble speech, also TACHYPHASIA.
THALASSOCRACYthalassocracy n. A state whose power derives from its naval or commercial supremacy on the seas.
thalassocracy n. Maritime supremacy.
THALASSOCRACY n. sovereignty of the seas, also THALATTOCRACY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 429 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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