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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, C, G, I, L, M and S

CLIMATOGRAPHIESclimatographies n. Plural of climatography.
CLIMATOGRAPHY n. a description of climates.
EVANGELICALISMSevangelicalisms n. Plural of evangelicalism.
EVANGELICALISM n. being evangelical.
FLAGELLOMANIACSflagellomaniacs n. Plural of flagellomaniac.
FLAGELLOMANIAC n. a sufferer from flagellomania.
GASTRONOMICALLYgastronomically adv. From the perspective of gastronomy.
GASTRONOMICAL adv. relating to gastronomy, also GASTRONOMIC.
GRAMMATICALNESSgrammaticalness n. (Of language) The state or attribute of obeying the rules of grammar; grammatical correctness.
GRAMMATICAL n. belonging to, or according to the rules of, grammar, also GRAMMATIC.
HYPERGLYCAEMIAShyperglycaemias n. Plural of hyperglycaemia.
HYPERGLYCAEMIA n. an excess of sugar in the blood, also HYPERGLYCEMIA.
MAGISTRATICALLYmagistratically adv. In a magistratical manner.
MAGISTRATICAL adv. relating to a magistrate, also MAGISTRATIC.
MEGALOCEPHALIESMEGALOCEPHALY n. the condition of having an unusually large head or cranial capacity, also MEGACEPHALY.
MISARTICULATINGmisarticulating v. Present participle of misarticulate.
MISARTICULATE v. to articulate wrongly.
MISCEGENATIONALmiscegenational adj. Relating to miscegenation.
MISCEGENATIONAL adj. relating to miscegenation.
NORMOGLYCAEMIASNORMOGLYCAEMIA n. the condition of having a normal blood sugar level, also NORMOGLYCEMIA.
OLIGOCYTHAEMIASOLIGOCYTHAEMIA n. deficiency of red corpuscles in blood.
ORGANOMETALLICSorganometallics n. Plural of organometallic.
ORGANOMETALLIC n. an organometallic compound.
PHARMACOLOGISTSpharmacologists n. Plural of pharmacologist.
PHARMACOLOGIST n. one who studies pharmacology.
PLUMBAGINACEOUSplumbaginaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, leadworts.
PRAGMATICALNESSpragmaticalness n. The quality or state of being pragmatical.
PRAGMATICALNESS n. the state of being pragmatical.
REACCLIMATISINGreacclimatising v. Present participle of reacclimatise.
REACCLIMATISE v. to acclimatise again, also REACCLIMATIZE.
SEISMOGRAPHICALseismographical adj. Synonym of seismographic.
SEISMOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to seismography, also SEISMOGRAPHIC.
SOMATOLOGICALLYsomatologically adv. In terms of somatology.
SOMATOLOGICAL adv. relating to somatology, also SOMATOLOGIC.
STALAGMITICALLYstalagmitically adv. Like a stalagmite; accumulating from floor to ceiling.
STALAGMITICAL adv. of or like a stalagmite, also STALAGMITIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 133 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 50 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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