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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E, L, M and S

ADRENALECTOMIESadrenalectomies n. Plural of adrenalectomy.
ADRENALECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the adrenal glands.
ESEMPLASTICALLYESEMPLASTIC adv. having the power to shape disparate things into a unified whole.
EUDAEMONISTICALEUDAEMONISTICAL adj. relating to eudaemonism, the theory that the highest ethical goal is happiness and personal wellbeing, also EUDAEMONISTIC, EUDEMONISTIC, EUDEMONISTICAL.
EVANGELICALISMSevangelicalisms n. Plural of evangelicalism.
EVANGELICALISM n. being evangelical.
HAMAMELIDACEOUShamamelidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Hamamelidaceae.
HAMAMELIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the witch-hazel family.
HYPERCALCAEMIAShypercalcaemias n. Plural of hypercalcaemia.
HYPERCALCAEMIA n. an excess of calcium in the blood, also HYPERCALCEMIA.
HYPERGLYCAEMIAShyperglycaemias n. Plural of hyperglycaemia.
HYPERGLYCAEMIA n. an excess of sugar in the blood, also HYPERGLYCEMIA.
ISMATICALNESSESISMATICALNESS n. ISMATICAL, addicted to isms or faddish theories, also ISMATIC.
LEUCOCYTHAEMIASleucocythaemias n. Plural of leucocythaemia.
LEUCOCYTHAEMIA n. leukaemia.
MACRENCEPHALIASMACRENCEPHALIA n. the condition of having an abnormally large brain, also MACRENCEPHALY, MACROCEPHALIA.
MACRENCEPHALIESMACRENCEPHALY n. the condition of having an abnormally large brain, also MACRENCEPHALIA, MACROCEPHALIA.
MEGALOCEPHALIESMEGALOCEPHALY n. the condition of having an unusually large head or cranial capacity, also MEGACEPHALY.
MEGALOCEPHALOUSmegalocephalous adj. Macrencephalic.
MEGALOCEPHALOUS adj. having an unusually large skull, also MEGACEPHALIC, MEGALOCEPHALIC.
MESATICEPHALIESMESATICEPHALY n. the state of being mesaticephalic.
MESATICEPHALOUSmesaticephalous adj. (Anatomy) mesaticephalic.
MESATICEPHALOUS adj. intermediate between dolichocephalic and brachycephalic, also MESATICEPHALIC.
MISCEGENATIONALmiscegenational adj. Relating to miscegenation.
MISCEGENATIONAL adj. relating to miscegenation.
SABERMETRICALLYsabermetrically adv. In terms of or by means of sabermetrics.
SACRAMENTALNESSsacramentalness n. Sacramentality.
SACRAMENTALNESS n. the state of being sacramental.
SERVOMECHANICALservomechanical adj. Of or relating to servomechanisms.
SERVOMECHANICAL adj. of or like a servomechanism.
SULPHACETAMIDESSULPHACETAMIDE n. a sulphonamide used in eye drops against conjunctivitis, etc., also SULFACETAMIDE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 215 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 376 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 100 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 135 words

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