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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, H, N, R and T

ACHONDROPLASTICachondroplastic adj. (Teratology) Of, related to, or suffering from achondroplasia.
ACHONDROPLASTIC adj. suffering from achondroplasia.
ANARCHISTICALLYanarchistically adv. In an anarchistic manner.
ANARCHISTIC adv. of or pertaining to anarchy.
ANTIMONARCHICALantimonarchical adj. (Politics) Opposing a particular monarchy.
antimonarchical adj. (Politics) Opposing the concept of monarchy, rule by a single person.
ANTIMONARCHICAL adj. opposed to the monarchy.
ARCHGENETHLIACSARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
ARCHIDIACONATESarchidiaconates n. Plural of archidiaconate.
ARCHIDIACONATE n. the office of archdeacon.
BACKSCRATCHINGSBACKSCRATCHING n. the act of scratching another's back.
CHEMOATTRACTANTchemoattractant n. A substance inducing positive chemotaxis in motile cells.
CHEMOATTRACTANT n. a chemical which provokes a chemotactic movement of e.g. cells or bacteria towards its area of highest concentration.
CHORIOALLANTOICchorioallantoic adj. Of or pertaining to the chorioallantois.
CHORIOALLANTOIC adj. of or like a chorioallantois, a highly vascularized fetal membrane.
CHRONOGRAMMATICchronogrammatic adj. Relating to, or containing a chronogram.
CHRONOGRAMMATIC adj. of or like a chronogram, an inscription whose letters form a Roman numeral date.
CINEMATOGRAPHICcinematographic adj. Of or pertaining to cinematography.
CINEMATOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cinematography.
NONCHARISMATICSnoncharismatics n. Plural of noncharismatic.
NONCHARISMATIC n. one who is not charismatic.
PHARMACOGNOSTICpharmacognostic adj. Relating to pharmacognosy.
PHARMACOGNOSTIC adj. relating to pharmacognosy.
PHARMACOKINETICpharmacokinetic adj. (Pharmacology) Of or relating to pharmacokinetics.
PHARMACOKINETIC adj. relating to pharmacokinetics, the study of the way the body deals with drugs.
SARCENCHYMATOUSsarcenchymatous adj. Relating to sarcenchyme.
SARCENCHYMATOUS adj. of or like a sarcenchyme, a soft tissue of sponges with close-packed cells and reduced gelatinous matrix.
TECTIBRANCHIATEtectibranchiate adj. (Zoology, obsolete) Having the gills covered by the mantle; of or relating to the former order Tectibranchiata.
tectibranchiate n. Any tectibranchiate mollusk.
TECTIBRANCHIATE adj. of a like a tectibranch, any member of the Tectibranchiata, molluscs including sea-slugs.
TRICHOMONACIDALtrichomonacidal adj. Destructive to trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDAL adj. relating to a trichomonacide, an agent used to destroy trichomonads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 158 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 62 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 124 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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