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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, L, 2S, 2T and Y

CRYSTALISATIONcrystalisation n. Alternative spelling of crystallization.
PHOTOCATALYSESPHOTOCATALYSIS n. the promotion, acceleration or retardation of a chemical reaction by light.
PHOTOCATALYSISphotocatalysis n. (Chemistry) catalysis by a photocatalyst.
PHOTOCATALYSIS n. the promotion, acceleration or retardation of a chemical reaction by light.
SATISFACTORILYsatisfactorily adv. In a satisfactory manner, in a manner adequate to requirements.
SATISFACTORY adv. giving satisfaction.
STAPHYLOPLASTYstaphyloplasty n. (Surgery) Plastic surgery to replace or repair the uvula and the soft palate.
STAPHYLOPLASTY n. plastic surgery involving the soft palate and the uvula.
STOCHASTICALLYstochastically adv. In a stochastic manner; by means of a process involving a randomly determined sequence of events.
STOCHASTIC adv. involving chance or randomness.
SUBSTANTIALITYsubstantiality n. The state of being substantial.
substantiality n. The extent to which something is substantial.
SUBSTANTIALITY n. the state of being substantial.
SUBSTANTIVALLYsubstantivally adv. In a substantival manner.
SUBSTANTIVAL adv. of, relating to, or serving as a substantive.
SUSTAINABILITYsustainability n. The ability to sustain something.
SUSTAINABILITY n. the state of being sustainable.
SYSTEMATICALLYsystematically adv. In an organized manner; utilising a system.
SYSTEMATICAL adv. relating to or consisting of a system, also SYSTEMATIC.
TETRASYLLABLEStetrasyllables n. Plural of tetrasyllable.
TETRASYLLABLE n. a word with four syllables.
TRANSSEXUALITYtranssexuality n. The state, condition, or properties of being transsexual.
transsexuality n. The psychological diagnosis of gender identity disorder.
TRANSSEXUALITY n. the state of being transsexual, also TRANSEXUALITY.
TRANSVERSALITYtransversality n. (Mathematics) A property of two intersecting submanifolds, where at every intersection point, their…
transversality n. The quality of connecting or representing a range of heterogeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
TRANSVERSALITY n. the state of being transversal.
ULTRAROYALISTSultraroyalists n. Plural of ultraroyalist.
ULTRAROYALIST n. an extreme royalist.
UNSYSTEMATICALunsystematical adj. Not systematical.
UNSYSTEMATICAL adj. not systematical, also UNSYSTEMATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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